...but, it could have been so much worse. And there were a lot of weird, valuable memories and moments that came out of it.
-lack of time/mental faculty/self control to sit down and do some of the academic work that I needed to
-end of an important relationship
-bad sleep cycles
-caffeine abuse (see above, add shaking and inane rambling)
-crying jags
-self-inflicted back injuries (never again... always stretch...ALWAYS)
-five+ hours spent berating myself while editing, hallucinating, and filling out applications for CRWR classes
-realizing how little time I have left in the year to be around people I really care about
-realizing how badly I need to go away from all of these people, and Oberlin in general
-rediscovering that I have an amazingly supportive (if...diverse) group of friends
-ALIENS (Ellen Ripley is kind of who I want to be when I grow up...)
-Aries : *cheese sandwiche'd*
-Greg : *web comicke'd*
-spending significantly more time with Miss Landsman, who has been the Helium to my Strindberg (see August Strindberg below)
-Driving down the road with Mr. Mattingly, blasting Knights of Cedonia. (Bonus quote of the week: "shut up...you'll be fine.")
-4am epiphany while editing old pieces of writing: "Huh. I'm actually capable of writing. WHY THE FUCK HAVE I NOT BEEN WRITING? I HAVE NO REASON NOT TO BE WRITING. I THINK I WANT TO DO THIS FOREVER...Fuck. I still have to memorize Antony's speech for tomorrow, don't I...?"
-performing one of my favorite speeches ever in front of my Shakespeare class (with gusto)
-steps made towards mending an important friendship (see Cons)
-Franny's gift of a coin, intending to bring me luck, and bring me home
-Yoshi: "Y'know, I really appreciate that you decided not to collect an Asshole Tax."
-spinning about talking and other nonsense, with Ms. Ma'ayan
-working on Economics with Adam Shamma, while listening to Sarah MacLachlan, the Weepies, and other girl-musics
-realizing the amount of work and play I have waiting for me when I get back to Oberlin for Winter Term
-getting my life back in order over the course of a 4-7 days
Notes of general interest:
-I love you all, very much, even when I tell you I hate you...actually, especially when I say I hate you.
-I'll be around 'til Dec. 20th-call me.
-Rediscovery: Funk music, hands down, has the worst lyrics of any genre of music I've ever encountered. Really. Seriously. But I still can't stop listening to "Girls" by Fatback....