Well, dinner went as well as it could have, I think. I'm never going to be able to escape the teasing Amos and Olivia toss at me, as it's been that way as long as I can remember. They know exactly which buttons to set me off, yet life would seem weird without it, frankly. Of course, that still doesn't stop me from wanting to wring his bloody neck on certain things LIKE THAT MARRIAGE COMMENT. WHAT THE HELL WAS-.
Also, it's a little weird (yet not, at the same time) that I want my best mate's approval of a girl rather than that of my family. Well, parents, really, as all of my sisters have met Alison at least once before. Wait. I forgot I'm not speaking to most of them right now.
Now I've got to see what the next couple days are going to be like. Every time Amos has met a girl I've gone out with, things have gone down the tube almost immediately after and I REALLY don't want that to occur this time. I like where Alison and I seem to be going, even if it does scare the fuck out of me. This is certainly not a road I've ever been down before and everyone who knows me knows that.
And alas, October is finally upon us. I'm not sure if to think of this fact as a good one just yet. This year has flown by so far from my point of view, and I'm not sure if I want that trend to continue. But of course, it gets us ever closer to New Year's, which is always a good time.
I think I'm finally settling into a new routine at work, one that doesn't involve yours truly running around for coffee all day long. Apparently people in the Portkey department don't like the stuff as much as the DoMLE. And no filing away papers about particulars of Apparation tests, either. I don't miss that.
So, yeah. Life's actually not bad for once.