on flickr? have photos of african cities? check this out.

Mar 10, 2009 15:35

lately i've been obsessed with looking at photos from africa (mine and others'). as much as i love love love the amazing african sunrises and sunsets, wildlife, and rural life, i have been really interested and inspired by photos of urban africa. the cities of africa are just so complex and colorful: from cairo to cape town and nairobi to accra, there is just so much to photograph.

i started a flickr group for photos of cities in africa. i am encouraging submissions of everything from street life to tall buildings to people to events in these cities. i have added several of my own photos from cape town, johannesburg, and maputo. and as of now (i started this group yesterday), my new group has 41 members and over 100 photos in the pool.

i started this group for selfish reasons as i can spend hours looking at shots of urban africa. if any of you have any photos of urban africa to share, please join my group and add your photos. and if not, you should check it out because there are some amazing photographs in there already!

photos, travel, africa

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