it's no secret that bill o'reilly hates san francisco. after 9/11 he made a comment that the military shouldn't protect san francisco from a terrorist attack.
he's on the attack yet again, this time with a "documentary" about what the obama administration will do to the country. and he bases his fears on san francisco.
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i have to say, as frustrated as i found myself that o'reilly went looking to paint a horrible picture of san francisco, i found myself laughing out loud (and i know some of those hippies in golden gate park, for the record). for one, making medical marijuana use look oh-so-fucking-radical is ridiculous. and secondly, on the whole, san francisco is a VERY safe city. i have no qualms walking or biking around 95% of the city alone at night. it is not a city plagued by violence (for the most part) like detroit, atlanta, or even (parts of) oakland. i have to say, he went out of his way to try to make san francisco look like a crime plagued, liberal black hole. but in reality he didn't really do his job so well.