I just finished watching
愛してるぜベイベ (Aishiteru ze Baby). It's such a delightful anime! There were parts so sad, that my eyes teared up, and parts that were so happy that I was smiling and laughing right along with the characters!
I just wish that the anime was longer! After 26 episodes, it ended without tying up some loose ends.. *sad*
BUT, I think
dragon_sneeze would be interested in this one.
Other アニメ (+ other stuff)
グンバレード マーチ (Gunparade March), an interesting anime that reminded me a little of Evangelion (kids are required to operate mechs, to defeat an invading force), but in Gun Parade, it was more about the high school kids and their lives, than about the battle for humanity. It was quite interesting to watch how that turned out! ^_^
グンスリンガー ガール (Gunslinger Girl). This anime was just weird. Young girls used as cyborgs for the government to assassinate people. Kind of odd, IMHO. This one also had one of those abrupt endings, and I wanted to find out more, but such is life. Maybe they'll make a sequel!
Pretear. This anime confused me at first, it started with a young girl who moved with her poor father into a huge mansion when he married a rich woman. The anime turned out to be all about defeating an evil influence that had started to pester the world. Interesting, although a little strange... I was happy about the love-story sub-plot though. ^_^
無限のリヴァイス (Infinite Ryvius). This was definitely one of those animes from the late 90s, and all about space. At first, I thought it was going to be something like Stellvia of the Universe, but it turned out to be quite unique and different from most other space animes that I've seen. I wasn't as interested in this anime as the others that I watched over break, but it was still interesting.
Note: Images snagged from
AnimeNfo.com Soon to be Watched...
Well, I do have a day or two left of vacation, and I intend to spend that time catching up on the anime that I've been missing thoughout this term. On my "to watch" list is: 12 Kingdoms, Mahoromatic, Kino's Journey, Suzuka, Noir, and Now and Then Here and There - amongst a few others that I haven't downloaded much of yet.
Post Thanksgiving!
I've been so lazy... Just watching anime and taking a break from school for a week and haven't done much LJing in that time period, so I thought I'd give my thanksgiving holiday update now. ^_^
Well, for the first time that I can remember, my parents held thanksgiving at our house. Which was kind of sweet, because after eating all that turkey, it's nice to go to bed right away, instead of having to wait until the family's ready to go home. What was annoying though, was the fact that I was starving right before dinner. My mom kept saying: "It'll be ready in 15 minutes" and then she would check the turkey, and add more time to the timer. Grrr. Since I was starting to get the shakes again, I made a chicken sandwich - and it just happened to be right before mom checked the turkey one last time, and this time it was done. Go figure.
I did watch some football - one of the very few times I actually watch any of it... It's a tradition with my family... Watching football only for specific games, or times of the year: 1) Michigan vs. Michigan State, 2) Michigan vs. Ohio State 3) If Michigan gets into a major bowl game and 4) The Lions game on thanksgiving day. And, as usual, the Lions lost.
Grandmother Update!
I finally went to see my grandmother today... She is looking pretty well, for how horrible she looked the last time I saw her (which probably has something to do with the fact that the last time that I saw her, she was in the hospital). She gave me some money to take back to college with me, and my grandfather gave me two novels: "Abduction" by Robyn Cook and "Night Prey" by John Sandford. Over winter break, I'll pencil in some time to finish reading my Star Trek Voyage novel "Violations," then move on to "Abduction," and if there's still some time left, I'll get in to "Night Prey" - with nearly a month off, I should be able to at least get a good distance into "Abduction," especially if it's a really good novel, like "Blind Sight" was.
As Vacation Comes to an End...
there's been a few decisions made...
- I'll leave my car at home. Since there's only two weeks of school, I don't really need to take my car up to college, since for the end of the quarter signouts will probably include me having to take a lot of stuff home. So, my dad is going to have to come up for that signout. He also likes to take me out to dinner on occasions like this.
- I'll also leave my fish at home. My fish are staying because it's a total pain in the arse to transport them both up to college, especially if I'm only going to be there for two weeks.
- I'll also leave some of my clothes at home, mostly because the warm-weather clothes are pretty much pointless at this time of year. I'm kind of glad, because I really hate wearing certain things... Namely, short sleeve t-shirts, but during winter, I've got all the excuses in the world to wear long sleeves ^_^
Well, I believe that's it for now... I'll check the f'list later tonight, but for now, I wanna get back into watching some anime or start some of the homework that I've been putting off ~sigh.