kind of.
I've been sick for the past few days, and the last thing that I've wanted to do during that time was use a computer. I checked my email a few times, and checked on the status of my NewEgg order, but other than that, I haven't done much on the PC - I haven't even watched a single episode of an anime. I didn't even check LiveJournal until last night.
And I noticed that something happened today... One of my oldest lj-friends on my list,
insanctuary, seems to have deleted his account! That makes me sad - I guess it happens though.
a few other things...
My grandmother is out of the hospital, and doing just fine - after having two surgeries and staying in the hospital for forever and a day.
I'm still a little sick - occasional cough and stuffy nose.
I've been thinking about getting a new fish.
My stuff from NewEgg is scheduled to arrive on Monday.
My mind is still a little foggy - maybe from watching too much TV or from my cold, I can't really tell.