A look at forecast fox has made my sad- it's 20 C outside and clear. A nice night for a walk, but I don't have anyone to walk with :( it'd be a nice night to go on a walk too, since I have nothing to do for my class, and I just finished that annoying paper. I could use a little reliever, but it just doesn't feel right walking alone.
Oh, and I didn't go on that beer run after all - I got frustrated that I forgot to put my references page in alphabetic order (stupid thing to get annoyed with, but I did...) so I just stayed home. The thing about the references page is that I was planning on alphabetizing it after I got all my sources down - and then, forgot. Grrr, I hate it when that happens. I ended up treating myself to some ice cream though - I just had to do something.
and other stuff...
for some reason, I keep getting typos today... Not holding down shift long enough, hitting a '.' instead of ',' - even strange things, like when typing "hitting" I typed "hissing" for some reason. I don't know what's wrong with me today, but it's really starting to piss me off.
And whyyyyy does firefox keep jumping to 100% use of the CPU?!? I think it has something to do with forecast fox not being able to download the weather data as fast as it thinks it should be downloading... I've got all those torrents going.
Shuttle: "Huston - it's not working..." Huston: "ALLRIGHT! Let's build a different one, using the parts of the old one, ofcourse."
I was reading on /. about
NASA's Shuttle Plans - which seem to include very little use of the shuttle. Interesting - check out the New York Times article if you're interested.
Ogg Theora
OOOhhh, that's annoying. I was doing some reading about the "first" shuttle mission --NYT said it was in 81 - but didn't list the shuttle, and I wanted to see if they were talking about the "Enterprise" (the shuttle prototype) or "Columbia" the first shuttle that was capible of taking humans into space (BTW: NYT was talking about Columbia). Anyway, I found some video of the takeoff and landing of the Enterprise on wikipedia... But, it was in (ogg)theora format. I looked and looked and looked, but I just can't get the damn ogg format to play on my system - I didn't spend much time looking for the codec, but the Theora site wasn't much help - I thought I had found it quickly, but it turned out to be the source code for it - which is not so useful in Windows.
Moving Pictures Stuff
Still watchin' gantz - slowly getting closer to where I left off.
Still watchin' ST:DS9 - season 4 now... Once I have all of DS9, I'll have all of Star Trek - including the animated series (~shudders - that was really bad).