this evening is definitely not turning out to be the best.
I had been planning on doing this batch of stuff all in a row so I could get everything done really fast and then be all done with everything for the evening -- leaving me time to relax, then sleep - followed by work tomorrow at noon. But did that work out? No. I lost Internet for a while there (screwing up all my torrents) - and hashing 20GB of data takes a loooong time - and that's when I suddenly realized that Pascal (my betta fish) was panting. Panting is bad. Since my Internet was screwed up, I couldn't check the betta health websites to see what he might have...
I eventually got Internet back (after I killed rtorrent - it seemed to have died somehow). I skimed though the betta helth websites, and it could be one of two things... the bad:
Flukes - Usually the gills are infected. A pretty obvious one to spot, since the gills become inflamed, red, swollen, and may even fungus or bleed. The fish looks and acts miserable, often clamping his fins and panting. He will also probably try to bash himself against anything he can - plants, rocks, sides of tank, other fish, etc - to rid himself of the flukes. In some disgusting cases you can actually SEE the little buggers hanging from the fish, like long threads. You need to treat him with a good creepy-getter medication like Coppersafe, Formalin 3, or Permoxyn, and raise the temperature to 82 - 84 degrees.
Betta Splendens: Betta Health and Care: 'I've Been Betta' - When Your Betta Gets Sick If it is flukes, it must be in the very early stages. But even flukes doesn't explain the floating on his side... Unless that could be explained by swollen gills.
Or, it could be that when I changed his water this afternoon, I didn't put in enough "Start Right" (chemical water aging solution) and filled his tank too high... Explaining his symptoms (I did this once to Cobol, --to which he recovered from after I lowered his water level, added more Start Right, and let him relax). However, Pascal is also listing to one side... The only time Cobol did that was when he got really sick. Pascal seems to be more sensitive to over-eating, and will start to list even with a slight over-feeding. So perhaps that's a second problem he's having. I cannot say for sure, but I must be watching him for the next 24 hours -- of which tomorrow is my busiest day of the week... Especially this Monday, where I've got more CyberMedics training and a presentation for ITS491.
All this stress is causing my left eye-brow to twitch... ~sigh. But, Pascal is looking a little better now that I've fixed up his water issue... Now I just gotta figure out that listing problem, and we'll be all set!