I thought I'd post a meme that my boss created... Just because I don't really have anything else to post ^_^
1. What is your favorite song?
That would have to be Coldplay: The Scientist! (when I bought the CD, printed on the inside cover was "the scientist is Dan" odd, isn't it?)
2. What is your favorite quote?
Quote... hmmm, ah! "Why would anyone ever need more than 640 kilobytes of RAM?" --Bill Gates, 1981 (lets see, my computer uses... oh, 1,562.5 times that much!)
3. What is your favorite book?
I've got a lot of favorite books... I pretty much have a favorite for each genre I read... But I guess I'd have to say my #1 favorite book is probably hamlet... just because it's a classic! Or perhaps, 1984... or perhaps Fahrenheit 451... or perhaps Azumanga.... eeaakkk, I just can't decide!
4. If you could look like any movie star/musician, who would it be?
?? I honestly have no clue for this one.
5. What do you have stashed under your bed?
Me? Andrew's stored under my bed. I'm on top bunk! I keep soda and my laundry basket under the bottom bunk.
6. If someone looked in the back seat of your car, what would they find?
An ice scraper, a towel, and some rubber mats! I keep a pretty clean car.
7. What is your favorite holiday?
Since I don't actually like celebrating such thing all that much, this is quite a difficult question! I'd have to say the one I love the most is new years though.
8. What is your least favorite holiday?
(same as above, for the first part at least...) I'd have to say the one one I like the least is... actually Christmas... everyone makes all that fuss, and so much of it's original meaning has been lost (and then there's the notorious family fights >.<
9. What is the food that you will not eat, no matter what?
The habanero pepper! Just reports of those things are scary!
10. What do you cook that you are "famous" for?
Hmmm.. I guess I'd have to be famous for my sushi! It is probably the least Japanese, least eye pleasing, most insane sushi known to man... Something I'd get deported for if I ever made in Japan!! ^_^