Orange you glad

Apr 21, 2016 02:15

 Cousin-housemate has a bag of five or six oranges she'd got from the farmer's market a few weeks ago that she hasn't used and says she'll just throw out unless I want them. So I've spent the past hour figuring out how I could use them. I was thinking marmalade at first, which I love, but is perhaps too ambitious considering I've never made jam or preserves before. I think I've settled on an orange and almond cake that seems pretty straightforward (and is gluten free, so cousin would be able to eat some if she fancied). The comments on the recipe site I'm looking at are vaguely hilarious due to mostly showing up from comments on facebook posts. Mixed with some ordinary, if bizzare questions (considering theres a one-minute video on the page literally showing everything in the recipe), it comes across a very unintelligent comment page:

"are eggs not classed as dairy ???"

"wonder if you can cook the oranges in a pressure cooker?"

"You're both lame"

"Do you purée the whole, cooked orange, including peel?"

"Thank you darling"

"Has it got eggs in it !"
(same person replying to themselves): "Just found the recipe so I've answered my question not good for Vegans"


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