So, The Car Saga is officially over and I have moved on to The Moving Saga.
(brief aside here I've just noticed an ad next to where I'm typing this, since I still haven't bothered to pay for my account again, which is for Sky broadband, featuring the three bears using laptops with an almost-recognisable Pear emblem on them... Totally unrelated but it amused me)
Procrastinating about cleaning my room is something I'm both excellent and terrible at, by degrees. I'm good at it, as evidenced by it taking so long to do, and I'm bad at it because I then get horribly guilty about not doing it, embarrassed by my tendency to apparently actively WANT to live in a dump, and as I get further along with it, thoroughly disheartened when my big comfy-looking pile of mostly-laundry turns out to be hiding a half-dead carpet strewn with cotton buds and reciepts and coinage of varying denominations and fizzy drink bottles and it suddenly looks like the bombsite everyone else saw when I was just seeing a big cozy-looking nest. I've removed something like 7 bags of rubbish (I'm sure my room isn't physically big enough to have that much crap in it, but a lot of it was under the bed. This is why I normally try to have a bed that things can't easily get under), all my larp kit, musical instruments and about a third of the electronics have been removed to the car to avoid binning non-negotiable items in my life. And the room looks worse than when I started.
So yes, I am currently moving out of my shitty room that I've been complaining about all year to a much better place: Edinburgh! And we're getting a CAT! In... October probably, since I'm away all of August and probably at least a week or two in September when I embark on the Diet version of the Lands-End-Jon-O-Groats Oddessy, as I will be travelling, by means and stops unknown as yet, from Edinburgh to Dartmouth and back for my sister's wedding. And yes the whole "guess what, world? I have serious SAD which nearly killed my will to live this year since I was in Sheffield and it basically snowed for 4 months" thing HAS been pointed out to me as a good reason NOT to move to a place that has less than 5 hours between sunrise and sunset at the solstice, being just inside the 60-degree latitude line. Which is awesome at the moment because over the summer once you add in a bit either side where there's colour in the sky but the sun isn't *really* up, you only have about 4 hours of darkness. Oh, except the bit where I can't sleep that well in daylight... why was this a good idea again? Oh yeah. FRIENDS. THE SINGLE NUMBER ONE REASON I am moving up to Edinburgh is that I have an awesome flatmate who wants a kitty as much as I do and totally agrees with me about making housework into a game so it gets done (we even made going through the inventory fun. This year is going to ROCK), an even more awesome (and kinda complicated/open/poly/but that just makes it more awesome) boyfriend, and several friends who have vowed to make sure I actually get to the appropriate doctors and get an official bit of paper (or several) saying what's actually wrong with me (where do we start) so I can get legitemate painkillers and advice and so on and not feel guilty for being a wuss and go back to being AWESOME FIGHTER WOMAN OF ULTIMATE POWER who can conquer anything, not just three flights of stairs and a sodding courtyard, which has been about the sum total of my physical achievements this year. I may even go back to skating, though I will probably be told by the doctors I will be going to see that it's probably a bad idea, but then so is trying to get back in shape by playing keep-up with my acro-gymnast flatmate. Watch this space for stories of extreme death, or something.
So in the process of procrastinating about all this I have been ... ON TEH INTERWEBZ!! (No, really?) And I have discovered a new blog. OK not that new, but this girl is awesome and sort of an extreme version of the way I see myself, except with added ADHD and a blog with pictures. The
Pain Scale entry is especially funny, and so is everything else. I've read pretty much the whole year-and-halfs worth of entries in the last couple of days and I think that's probably influencing my desire to write a seriously long post.
Also I have found a newfound friendship in Castle of the Winds. It's a cycle of addiction. Recently though, it's become my way of staying entertained when I lack internet. Which is any time I've opted for the train option to & from Edinburgh (there have been many trips lately, most of them uneventful. The most exciting story there was probably the ick that was travelling the first leg of the trip on a train that smelled badly of Download Festival Hangover since it was the Monday after Download Festival) and while staying in the new flat (which is where I was last weekend and a couple of days either side)
I am hoping that moving to an area with a greater density of people I have known longer than "since I moved here" (People I already knew IN Sheffield = basically 0. I'd met one or two in August before I came here I think - then have 3 people in Chesterfield and 1 person in Doncaster, each of whom I have seen less than 4 times since I got here. Including at events) will make me more likely to go out of the house and do things like talk to real people instead of randomly throwing out streams of consciousness like this one and hoping they'll get picked up and scanned over by someone who may or may not actually care but might at least think of something witty or profound to say in response. I'm told having actual 2-way conversations in person are more healthy. Fact is 90% of the 2-way (still online but more real-time at least) conversations I have on MSN/FBchat are with people either already in or attmpeting to return to Edinburgh. I almost have a complete week's worth of evening scheduling too, which will all be completely moot if I succeed in breaking back into the glamourous world of professional Dressing.
I mentioned before I'm gone for all of August. I think the insanity, lonliness and sheer relief that it's Summer and also it is ALL OVER AT LAST has all rolled up in a big ball and somehow infiltrated my Keen centres. I have volunteered not just for setup week like I did last year, but for staying on site for the entirety of August between the Summer Moot and the Gathering. Yeah, probably nuts. Yes, taking a stack of painkillers and supports and ice gel and all the rest. Yes, fully expecting to spend the first week or two of September thinking I'm dying while trying to find a job, recovering in time to get down to Dartmouth for the wedding and with a bit of luck, lining up a job to slide seamlessly into on my return. And possibly finding a way of getting suitable time off from said job to go to Dublin in October. As per last year, this may not actually happen, but I can still list it as a goal. I'm allowed to dream. So there.
Sorry it's been a while since I properly updated because I've been addicted to FaceBook (which is evil and only lets me update with 420 characters at a time. This is probably why I don't use Twitter. Yes I have an account, as one person has discovred. That's because Meat Loaf is a sneaky sneaky man and made me get a twitter account to access another early-release track from the new album, which I haven't bought because I have remained largely unconvinced by the tracks that I have heard. If any of you harder-core-than-me fans have bought it and feel that I ought to give it a chance, play songs at me, give me a convincing argument why it isn't an industry sell-out album which just makes me cry, and I might be compelled to forgive the irritatingly catchy but still-crap "Los Angeloser" and buy the damn CD like I probably eventually will because my fandom knows no bounds and I get a little OCD about things I am a fan of.
That's way too much rambling for now. Will update with more coherancy later, maybe. I might even put up an actually-literate and possibly amusing condensed version of The Car Saga now that I'm sufficiently placated and no longer wishing fiery plagues of locusts on whoever invented Road Tax.