Damn Freshers

Sep 20, 2009 09:53

Well, "the kiddies" have moved into halls now. How do I know? Well aside from the constant stream of new residents with parental entourages since Friday afternoon, the enclsed courtyard that seperates the buildings has had the 4 metal benches snugged right up together, and the resulting enclosure used as a bin for pizza boxes, burger cartons, cans and -wierdly- an apparently still 1/4 full oversized squash bottle.
I would like to point out at this juncture: this is a *barely* maintained set of halls. We're expected to empty our own kitchen bins down to the skips. There's even signs up to the effect of "no cheating and using the courtyard bins for kitchen waste" ... it's not a pleasant sight to wake up to. Now my own room, that's my right to be a bit of a slob if I want to. Kitchen? Shared by 5 other people, its a courtesy to keep things out of sight, but my cupboard isn't exactly organised and my deliberately-limited washing up is out on the draining board overnight.
The quad on the other hand, clearly visible from (if our flat's layout is standard) about 70% of the 300-odd rooms in the building... Surely *they* don't want to wake up to that? (There's also "be quiet after 11pm" signs but those seem to have been universally misread as "after 1am" - Not too bad as it is outside and partially muffled by having the windows shut...)

This isn't really a complaint, just an observation from the point of view of feeling like the token adult in a building full of teenagers.
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