Apr 05, 2007 13:43
Alrighty. It's story time. I got up w/ a belly-ache yesterday morning. I had some toast 4 breakfast (becuz some crazy part of me sed i had 2 eat even tho i didn't feel like it). I layed down for a bit, and when I got up I felt half-way decent so I decided 2 go 2 micro lab. I felt worse walking over there, and I fought my way thru recording the results of last week's bacteria growing. Then I was just kinda like "I really can't do this". I had an achy belly and I was nauseous off and on. Walking back 2 the dorm felt like an impossible feat, so I had my awesome room-mate/ lab partner call public safety to see if they could drive me back to the dorm or the health center. They sed they couldn't in case I barfed in the public safety car. So they sent someone up to talk to me. I felt like crap and just wanted to go 2 bed. The dude sed the only thing they could do for me was call an ambulance 2 take me 2 the hospital. I knew I couldn't make it back 2 the dorm, so I went with that option. (I really shoulda either told public safety that I wasn't nauseous or called a cab. Argh.) They called Boston EMS, and one of my EMT's was Andrew, who used 2 work at Eascare w/ me. We went 2 the BI (Beth Israel). When I saw people on stretchers in the waiting room I asked if we could get back in the ambulance and go 2 Children's, but they sed no. So I waited in the waiting room on a stretcher for almost 3 hours. Someone came and took my blood during my wait. Then I got up-graded to the hall-way inside the actual ER. I saw a nurse and then a doctor. I got my own room for a few minutes while the doc examined me. He told me the plan, which was to do an ultrasound, a vaginal exam and a rectal exam. No lie. I waited a while. Got moved back into the hall-way and waited there. Someone came and took me 2 ultra-sound. The ultra-sound sucked. I donno how an ultra-sound can be painful, but it was. I think it's cuz she pushed down on my ribs with the thingy. I forget to mention that my legs started to get achy while I was in the waiting room/ triage area, so I was dealing w/ that along w/ my belly-ache this whole time. So the ultra-sound people sed it looks like I have a benign adenoma on my liver, and not to worry, and that the ER doc would tell me more about that and who to follow up with. So I went back 2 my spot in the hall-way of the ER. The ER doc was told that the ultra-sound was completely clear and didn't know anything about any adenoma. Oy. He said they might say something about it on the final reading of it. So I'm basically not worrying since no one else is worrying. They'll call me if something's up. So I waited a while more, and then I got a room for my special exams. I finally put on a jonny. The doc came and did the vaginal and rectal exams. Those sucked but they weren't thaaaaat bad. Then the nurse put in my IV and I felt like I was gonna throw up. But I didn't. I got some nausea medicine. I went back 2 my spot in the hall-way. After a lil while they finally asked for a urine sample (it was the third time I had peed since getting there). The nurse undid my IV so I could go 2 the bathroom, and I put it back myself. (The needle and part of the tubing was still on me, but she disconnected the rest of the tubing.) So I had a liter of saline pumped into my veins over the course of an hour. I closed off the IV when the bag was almost empty (the air in the bag makes me nervous), and after a little while I remembered how the nurse unhooked me 2 go 2 the bathroom and I did that. Then I sat around waiting for another couple of hours. I had some water, ginger-ale and crackers. Then I finally got my discharge instructions and left, after they told me my urine was normal. And after peeing about 3 more times cuz of that liter of saline.
Sooooo, since I wasn't really nauseous anymore, public safety picked me up from the ER and drove me 2 the dorm. After 7 hours at the hospital. I really should have skipped micro lab yesterday.
I'm feeling better now, but I can't eat much. I skipped my classes today. And prolly slept 2 much. So yeah. Leave me comments telling me how bad u feel for me. ;)
public safety,
micro lab,