So today, Carrie and I drove up to New Hampshire to visit with her parents for a belated mother's day dinner thingy. We went for a nice bike ride (nice being relative.. it was fun, but somewhat difficult) that took us by a small barn with some horses. I scolded Carrie for not telling me to bring my camera, figuring she would know that I'd find them irresistible. On our way home, we stopped by there so I could take a few photos of the lovely closest to the road, who was the only horse in that paddock.
I leaned on the paddock's metal gate and took a number of photos, as she ambled closer and closer.
Isn't she lovely? Anyhow, she came right up to the fence and we played nice for a little bit, before she bent down to start chomping the grass near my feet.
See that wire there on the fence? Yeah... I didn't.
At this point, I yelped and jumped back (and apparently took a picture of my knee), startling the bejeezus out of the poor horse, who had no idea what was going on. For that matter, neither did I until I said that I felt like something had electrocuted my entire body, to which Carrie replied "Um, yes, the ELECTRIC FENCE."
Somehow, I'd failed to notice it, and must have touched it with my arm or something. It was a very unpleasant sensation, I assure you.
On the whole, I had a lovely day- but I'd advise against getting electrocuted for entertainment..