Me, max and Jonathan went walking off of the Estes St paths, as usual. I love it cos its close by and in town, yet I can for the most part get away with letting him run off leash.
Me and Jonathan fussed about what we'd do if we won the lottery. I said I wouldn't tell anybody. I wouldn't quit my job, I wouldn't start spending extravagantly. I would just sit on the money. I admit it would be nice to win the lottery and have no more money problems ever, but I don't think I could comprehend what to do with it. I'd pay off my student loans and credit card bills. I'd give my mom enough cash to pay off her house and be able to live without working three jobs. I'd probably buy a gas efficient car. I might buy a small house in the woods with a lot of land so i could have an extended garden and yard for the dog to run in. I might leave the country and be a bum in Thailand. But I don't think it'd change me. Its easy to say all that, who knows. It was fun to think about. I don't play the lottery anyway.
So funny story. Max normally steps on the remote and changes the channel to CSPAN. Tonight he stepped on it and Changed it to porn!
We laughed till we cried and then Beth read the synopsis out loud and said "gather for camel activities" instead of carnal and it made it all the more hilarious because you could hear the disgust in her voice as she thought of bestiality with camels or some other type of bizarre sex.
Tomorrow I'm going to Raleigh to hang out with Ian and geocache along the Art Museum greenway. I'm so happy.