May 12, 2011 09:40
Ok, so I've gone through all of the BB sign ups and decided that i should at least have read some of the authors I've never heard of. Holy Cow! There are so many stories this year.... I know what I'm doing with my summer now!
Thank you to all of the authors and their artists for doing something I really don't have the guts to do. I've been reading fics for so long that I really should try to contribute to the fandom but everything I end up writing just doesn't seem to compare with what you awesome people are able to produce. Witness my ever-loving addiction to the run-on sentence!
So the show.... Got to say I'm with most of you out there and I'm LOVING bad-ass Cas! I'm loving that now he's found his freedom he's making his own choices both good and bad... spiritually he's much more human. There's been so much talk about the power of souls and what-not I've got to wonder if Cas exercising his freedom in this way will leave him being the first angel in creation to actually HAVE a soul. If he isn't already?
Afterall. He was brought back more powerful than before after his vessel was exploded by Lucifer.
Now we know we can't trust anything that Cas says or does is questionable (how Vonnegut - unreliable narrators!). I seriously doubt I'm the only one out there going to go back over the eps for other Cas moments.
Can't wait for the finale! But I also don't want it to come, if it's over I have to wait damn near a year for some more of the most excellent show I've seen since the Joss-era
Lastly, I've GOT to show love for the truly amazing epeeblade! Her sex corps 'verse is the most staggeringly provocative series of fics I have ever read! Her original characters are so very very well done that they add SO much to the plot. I'm so excited to see her name in the BB author list!
Happy Finale Folks!