I was looking online about the recent floods in Racine, and I went to Google maps and lo and behold! They have street view for Racine! I found our house - here is the link although I don't know for sure if it will get you to the exact street view -
http://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&hl=en&geocode=&q=2532+delaware+ave+racine+wi&sll=42.696646,-87.808657&sspn=0.006907,0.013304&layer=c&ie=UTF8&ll=42.695306,-87.809515&spn=0.006908,0.021629&z=16&cbll=42.693156,-87.809894&panoid=JySBywuJlucErtwxVaYssA&cbp=2,343.56271583146525,,0,-6.631731968588174 Wow, now that I see that link, perhaps it will! They cut down the tree in front of the house, but you can still see where it was and it also still has the red trim. Brings back memories!
Do you guys remember it?