Jun 21, 2009 13:01

Here I am!  Still!

My apartment has a nasty funk about it.  One of my missions today is to banish that from my nostrils and from the room.  Also to clean the fridge out and make food.

Classes have been going well, mostly.  My first class on Monday/Wednesday/Friday contains more obnoxious little boys than I care for, but it's just one class.  I have a mega-obnoxious older boy in one of my Tuesday/Thursday classes, who ranges from talkative with no volume control, to disrespectful and rude.  Between a quiet talk with me and some obvious threats to the whole class by the Korean teacher, we're starting to work through things.  We're both giving each other another chance.  The class was perfect on Thursday, and I'm hoping it lasts!

It's so sticky and humid outside!  I'm resisting turning on the AC, but I did get out a little fan and it's been on pretty much 24/7.  Nice...  Monday we're supposed to get thunder storms.  I hope that's true!  I really want one!

A while back I got another beetle from Homeplus, since I still had all the supplies from my first one.  He's more active than beetle #1 was, and eats more.  But his sweet food has been attracting fruit flies, which then spread to my bananas, my bamboo plant, and anything else that happens to be out.  So when I was at Homeplus today, I took a quick look through the plants, and I found that they had Venus Flytraps and pitcher plants for sale!!  I got a little Venus Flytrap, because it was cheaper and cooler-looking.  It's more expensive than I'd normally pay, but it will be well-fed.  I'm pretty much in love with it.

Next month we have a couple days off, and I'm going to Fukuoka, Japan!  I'm way excited!  I will bring along an extra bag so that I may stock up at the Mandarake...

I've had a few depressing days.  I have a little over 4 months left here, and I don't think I'll be too sad to leave.  Still formulating plans for traveling before I go home!  Right now it's looking like Australia, then Japan.
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