Mar 08, 2010 12:56

I am officially a Team Fortress 2 addict.

I ship Heavy/Medic. Like BURNING.

I also ship Sniper/Spy. BUT. Unlike my Heavy and Medic, who have a perfectly cuddly, adorable, and blissful relationship with no real problems outside of occasional 'old married couple' squabbling, well... Sniper and Spy are kind of really dysfunctional.

Sniper loves Spy. This is firmly established in my head. He's a good boyfriend, a generally easygoing and jovial person.

Spy... just can't stop cheating. He's a ridiculous Lothario. He flirts with anything with a pulse. Sometimes while Sniper is STANDING RIGHT THERE. Fortunately for himself, though, he is an absolute master of sweet-talk. He can tell Sniper he didn't mean anything by it, he/she means nothing to me, you're the only one. I won't ever stray from you again, mon cherie, mon fleur. I swear. I promise. And he's the kind of guy who can say that sort of thing a million times and make you believe it. Every single time.

And then he does it again. Clock it with an egg timer.

Thing is, I have all this set in my mind, but I really have no idea if Spy just plain can't help himself, or if he knows EXACTLY what he's doing and just gets that much of a kick out of playing Sniper.

(Both are bad, but I kinda hope it's the former. I'd hate to think Sniper just can't bring himself to break up with such a manipulative asshole. AND THIS IS ALL IN MY OWN MIND, WTF SELF.)

...Yes, there will be 'fic eventually. Soon's I finish the Heavy/Medic story I'm working on.
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