For once, a post that is not just me letting out emotions!

May 04, 2010 22:44

Have people ever puzzled you?  They certainly puzzle me from time to time, including myself.

As for some updates, I've recently put out a few applications online, and I plan to put out more, maybe even fill out some paper applications and attach resume's.   If I can get 1 full time job or 2 part time, I will be able to be my own primary support for the upcoming year.  As for breaking it to my family that I don't plan to attend school this fall... well, that will be another hurdle I have yet to face.  I'm thinking I will inform them sometime this summer once I've got steady work and decent paychecks.  That way, they will at least have some comfort (however little it may be) because I will be primarily supporting myself.  I'll be paying my rent, my utilities, gas for my car, my food, my clothes, et cetera.  They will probably still be covering my insurance and phone bill, though I wouldn't mind eventually paying for my own phone.

In the rare event that my parents would decide to drop my insurance, I've already thought of what to do, and might do it anyways.  I'll just get a bike.  Yes, shopping will be difficult, and winter will be rough, but I'll have to figure those hurdles out later should they become an issue.

In unrelated news, I found out that one of my old friends (and now I hesitate to consider him a friend) not only has developed a serious crush on my ex, he's actually done "stuff" with him on 3 occasions that he admitted to.  the only thing preventing him from asking my ex out is the fact that my ex has a live-in boyfriend.  While it's best that I'm no longer with my ex, there's still going to be a little pain from finding out about this stuff, but my friends are keeping me sane, as well as someone who I'm seeing right now.

Does that last paragraph sound a bit cruel to the friend?  Maybe a bit, but I'm not going to pretend like I don't feel a bit double-crossed, even if it is crazy of me.

Speaking of said person I'm seeing now, he will be visiting (provided nothing comes up) in about 2 weeks from now.  Here's to hoping everything goes smoothly. :D  If it works out, I will work hard for and look forward to a long, healthy, monogamous relationship.  If we decide we aren't really compatible for a relationship, I hope our parting will not be too painful, and we will be glad we at least gave it a try.  I'm of course, praying for the former.

As far as my dating and romantic inclinations have changed since my last boyfriend, I might finally be changing some of my old tendencies.  I used to be quick to snap back at a lover if he said something that I felt was out of line, whether he actually meant it to be understood in a bad way or not.  I also used to demand a lot of attention, but now I'm fairly content without a ton of attention, so long as I know everything is ok between us.  (Regular contact is still a must.)

Oh, and Bryan (Sorriz/Yote), Randy (Alyx), and I are on the prowl for a 4th roommate for our town home we are moving into in the fall.  TJ backed out.  Not that any of my LJ friends would know anyone who could move in with us, but I just thought I'd put it out there.  The individual would receive his or her own bedroom, and the place has a full kitchen, 2 full bathrooms, washer and dryer, a 2 car garage, patio, driveway, plenty of living space, is close to MSU campus, and the community building has free exercise equipment, tanning beds, and a few other ammenities.  The town homes are allowed to also be home to contracted pets.

The rent will be somewhere around $420 per month (depends on the unit we get), and we will split our utilities as needed.  (The people we talked to said the total utility bill for all expenses in one month can be as low as $50 or so, and in some cases, can be as high as $150 or more.)

Also important to note, whomever we sign in through a sublet by TJ will be signing a separate lease.  Everyone will have their own lease agreement, so if say, myself or Bryan decided to move out before the lease indicated we could, you would not have to take over our portion of the rent, you'd only pay your portion of the rent, plus whatever utilities you and the remaining roommates use.

Well, that's all for updates for now, I hope everyone is doing well!
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