I've spent most of the morning sitting at my computer trying to get motivated to look for jobs, but I just can't do it today. I've given up for the time being but I'll try again a little later.
So, the last time we met I dropped The Bomb and told ya'll about my unemployment. I love to say I have a Cool New Job but I don't. I interviewed for a temporary position at the Powell's call center but didn't get it. They told me I had a strong interview but there were more people with call center experience than me. I'm fine with that, but I would have liked the discount - and so would have my friends and family.
Thanksgiving was quiet and just us and I didn't feel like going crazy on food this year so I made some lovely homemade macaroni and cheese. We weren't going to venture out of the house on Black Friday but our printer died and we desperately needed a new one. Ian braved the crowds (there were none) at Office Depot and got us a new printer. The printer wouldn't fit under our desk so this lead to a massive cleaning and reorganizing of our office. We have a grocery bag full of books ready for Powell's and Ian just dropped off a bunch of electronics at the recycling center. Our office feels open and nice again and we have been really good about keeping it clean. The next room we're going to tackle is our bedroom. That will be scary.
One of my goals before I found myself in the unemployment lines was write more and tap into my creativity. I kept meaning to write more and kept meaning to do a lot of things but never found the time. So, now that I have the time I am working on these goals. One of the things I've been doing every day is Julia Cameron's morning pages. Making myself write every day, even if it's stream of conscious stuff, has helped me sort out my thoughts and goals and improved my problem solving skills. When I wake up feeling like the weight of the world is on my shoulders, the morning pages help get rid of that. I am enjoying it and also enjoying going on Artist's Dates. Last week I wandered around downtown Portland and took pictures of various buildings and noticed little things I hadn't noticed before. This week I'm going to an artist lecture at Clark College.
Last night we went to McMenamin's History Pub and learned about the role of Oregon women during World War I. The lecturer focused on the women who served as nurses and doctors and also some of the war protesters and suffrage activists. We learned about
Esther Pohl Lovejoy. I want to be her when I grow up. History Pub is such a wonderful thing. How can anyone not want to go to The Kennedy School and eat and drink and learn about history?! Yeah, we're geeks.
So that's my report from the home front. I'll try not to be such a stranger. But don't hold your breath.