Laid my head on a pillow of sky, kissed the wind heard it sigh

Dec 09, 2007 18:35

Every so often when I'm sitting on the futon watching trash TV, I wish my life was a little busier and I had more projects. Sometimes the universe listens and hands me a plate full of projects and tasks to make my life busier. Like this week.

I was quite the social butterfly last week. My friend Pam was in town for a mutual friend's birthday and we got together Tuesday with a bunch of people and watched the movie Believe In Me. Pam was in the movie and we all made the appropriate noises and giggled when we saw her. On Wednesday I had my second knitting class and learned how to pearl. I'm getting much better and can actually knit a nice little square before dropping a loop or messing up. I'm proud. Friday was "date night" and we went out and played a bit.

Today we were busy running errands and getting the house ready for The New Bed. A friend of mine had a neighbor who just skipped town and left a bunch of stuff in his house. One of the items was a king-sized bed! He told her to take what she could before the bank came in and grabbed stuff. I borrowed a truck from work and we went and got the bed. I don't think anyone slept in it because it's fairly new and still has some of the tags on it. Whoo hoo!!! Free is good!!! We moved our bed to the spare bedroom and moved the day bed out into the garage. If anyone wants a twin-sized day bed for cheap, please let me know. We had to go through our books do some massive weeding. We got a nice credit from Powell's and promptly went and bought more books.

So that's my week in a nutshell. Here's a picture I took of the elephant in the North Park Blocks. This is not my pic o' the day. That's coming next.


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