Brief artsy-shartsy post that nods to my shriveled attempts at: learning how to use paints with naked persons. Before I forget.
I've never really liked painting, and my exercises this year had me sweatin'. Now that it's summer and I've had time to recover from my art-pumping brood bitch days, you might be seeing more "tests" as I mysteriously acquire the funds for such supplies. The sun's out, so I'm photosynthesizing enthusiasm. I might just draw, though.
The family is moving in on Monday. Cameron and I have been squatting for a week or so here and are fairly settled. We've got a fort in the woods, Raven's Brew in the coffee pot, rent terror in our knotted panties, and short hair. I have an eye out for work, but nothing steady as of yet. The Volvo seems to be running on hopes and dreams, as there is absolutely zero gas in the tank and it won't quit driving me places. I haven't smoked a cigarette for about two weeks, though I had a dream last night in which Hannah handed me a cigarette that I admittedly puffed on until I realized that it was a tobacco-stuffed french fry. I would love to have a critter to care for someday, dog or cat or rodent or otherwise.
'Tis all.