Apr 01, 2008 01:47
I've only done two pages and I'm falling asleep so I think I'll post those now and try to catch up a bit later (yeah right). I'm just copy-pasting from MS Word, so I don't know how the formatting will work out. As long as you can read it....
*layout will be RIGHT to LEFT
PAGE ZERO-Title Page (one panel)-OR Title on Panel 1 of PAGEONE
PAGE ONE (two panels)
Panel 1: Establishing shot-Evening. A narrow cobblestone road stretching off into the distance, running through a small town. Some of the stones are worn down and there are potholes here and there. Both sides of the street are lined with odd houses-they are all round or oval, all organic shapes with only curved lines and no corners. The houses bear a strange resemblance to different varieties of mushrooms, and are painted in earth-tones. Many of them are rather dilapidated-the paint is peeling, several windows are boarded up, etc. Several small alleyways and sidestreets branch off from the main road, surprisingly devoid of garbage or any other rubbish. No one is around, and the slightly eerie wind blows dead leaves into the air. It is cool but not uncomfortably cold, an evening at the end of autumn.
Panel 2: Close up across the bottom of the page-Someone’s boots can be seen against the cobblestones. They are evidently a traveler’s; they are dusty and scuffed; they’ve probably seen better days. However, they are made of good leather and were probably expensive when they were first bought. The boots and the feet in them are small, probably a woman’s. Next to the boots rests a leather knapsack; again, something a traveler might use, but in better condition than the boots. It is about half-full, but still looks very heavy. A water canteen is attached to its side, but it is completely empty. A hand (left) can just be seen (half cut-off, at the top of the panel), holding the pack’s straps. It has slender, dark-skinned fingers, one of which (the middle finger) bears an ornate yet not ostentatious silver ring.
PAGE TWO (four panels)
Panel 1: A small box in the top right-hand corner. The pack had been picked up and is now slung on an unidentifiable shoulder, held by the same hand from Page One Panel 2. Only the straps of the bag can be seen against the woman’s arm, with the top only just showing at the edge of the panel. Perhaps she is just pulling the bag onto her shoulder
Panel 2: A large, borderless panel under all others on the page, slightly off-center (a little to the right). A full-length, three-quarters view of the woman can now be seen. She has half-curly, half-wavy shoulder-length black hair, and bangs that cut across the left side of her face, partially obscuring her left eye. Her eyes are a bit narrowed. She is wearing a knee-length tunic-with a slightly high (Chinese-ish) collar and elbow-length sleeves-that buttons to just above the waist. The tunic appears to be black and the buttons silver, matching the dark gray leggings the woman wears under the tunic. She is, of course, wearing the boots from Page One Panel 2, and her left hand is holding the pack on her left shoulder. She appears to be trying to decide where to go next, looking down the street (she is standing in the middle of the street, which goes off next to the bottom left corner of the page). For the moment, we shall call her ADVENTURER #1 (abbreviated as A1).
Panel 3: Medium-sized, on the left edge of the page. One of the town’s houses/shops bears a large, curved sign with some sort of writing that resembles chicken scratches on it. A smaller sign below bears the words TAVERN upon it.
Panel 4: About the same size as Panel 1, placed under Panel 3 in the bottom left corner. A1’s feet, shown going away from the viewer, down the road to the tavern from Panel 3.
SFX: FOOSTEPS ECHO (should go across page into other panels)