(no subject)

Dec 28, 2013 11:21

2013 went by in a flash, again. It seems like life is passing by me so quickly that I have tosit quietly in a corner to fully comprehend what happened this pass year. But it seems like its just like any other years.. I am currently applying for a job, my aunt says she will help me by sending my application to the partner of the firm, whom she knows, hopefully I will be accepted. In February, my results will be out and after that I am going Hong Kong! Can't wait to see my friends again for what hopefully is not the last time. Can't wait, but I don't feel like working yet, but I realised I can't just stay home without earning an income. So I will suck it up and go through the hardships of working. Hey maybe my working life won't be that bad. Maybe I can get a boyfriend like how Shaun found his girlfriend hehe, that's not too bad.

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