Retro Stitching

Jul 15, 2008 13:06

I have a new (to me) sewing machine again, finally! It's a refurbished antique (as old as me if not older), but it was inexpensive and seems to do the things that I need/know how to do for now. The instruction manual is in Dutch and French. I suspect those years of studying French in high school and university might pay off somewhat. Still, thank goodness for illustrations!

The shop I bought it at is on the same street where we go grocery shopping. Quite convenient, as I imagine I'll be in and out regularly stocking up on new threads and bobbins and such. I'm not sure that I brought many of the ones I already had with me. I guess now would be a good time to finally through through the boxes in the guest room and organize all of my fabric and various arts and crafts items. I don't know what I brought with me anymore!

I'll have to be careful Friday night and not drink too much so that I'm able to be bright-eyed and bushy tailed Saturday morning for the textile market over on Broodstraat (we almost bought a house on that street). I'm hoping to find some unbleached cotton among other things, as well as a good fabric to use for making the covers for the dining room chairs. I also need to make napkins and pillows!


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