Sep 20, 2007 12:16
Ten things I love but feel (or should feel) guilty about on a daily basis. I will never feel guilty about chocolate. Chocolate is essential to my life. On that note. My list...
1. Celebrity News Blogs. Oh dear GOD where do I begin? I don't remember when it got this bad. Boredom since graduating college has not helped as I continue my job search. Whether it requires an opinion about Britney's latest meltdown or Brangelina's newest baby rumour. I think it just gives me some pop culture reference to discuss when I'd rather not dissect my own life.
2. Facebook. Um. yeah. Stalking people's statuses, noticing who they are tickling, biting, and dedicating songs to, while you change your status, About Me etc. It's a digital playground for gossip. Again, probably not the best use of my time but hey, I need to see who's writing on my wall and poking me. It's a painless way of showing you care. :p
3. Grey's Anatomy. I love McDreamy. McSteamy makes me go guh. I saw the previews for the season 4 premiere next week and got very excited. I am a child. Hopefully the show will not go to shit with the loss of two major characters. I do not care why they left. They left and I'm nervous about the show. I actually miss McVet.
4. Craigslist missed connections. Never mind that I posted one myself and got two wrong responses. ::le sigh:: Reading other people's descriptions of people they saw on the D train or in Central Park, just amuses me and on some sick level gives me hope. Craigslist in general just rocks my world.
5. Don't know it? I thank a certain a male idiot in my life for introducing me to its news stories. It never fails to have good links. Some, like the tmobile one I posted a couple days earlier help me to be better informed on the policies of an entire industry. Others fuel my conspiracy theory writer whim. All of them aren't great. You can "digg" some and give it a positive votes so others might read it. Or you can bury them. It's your choice.
6. Videojug! Alex cheered me up with hysterical how to videos that have some basis in reality with a good dose of comedy to make you feel better about being a buffoon. I watched several videos in one sitting and learned something while I smiled.
7. Frosted Shredded Mini Wheats. Very recent to the list, I started eating it like popcorn during DVDs a couple days ago and have not stopped since. It was a random whim. Breakfast cereal so my mother would not worry about the fact that I do not as a rule eat breakfast. Pity the box is almost gone because of my between meal snacking. It tastes good though, with or without milk.
(at this point I am stumped... i just put something moderately healthy on my guilty pleasure list)
8. Jewelry. No, you will never see me overloaded with rings, earrings and necklaces all at once. But I often agonize over what to wear with the most everyday outfit. I feel naked without earrings. I never leave the house without my rosary ring on. Apparently this makes me like my maternal grandmother. The earrings thing, not rosary ring.
9. Strawberry lipgloss. Actually, downgrade that to just lipgloss. Current favourite is C.G. Bigelow Mentha stuff from Bath and Bodyworks. Cinnamint. Yum! I have so many different kinds and maybe two tubes of lipstick. (Smashbox) Which would be my guilty pleasure but I'm broke and unable to afford at the moment.
10. perfume or body spray. Never leave home without one or the other and more often than not both. I apply liberally because my favourite tends to fade quickly but I feel so feminine and mysterious when I put it on. Very rare for me. I love when people get one of my hugs and tell me I smell really good. I shall not give away the secret of my particular scents. Its a guilty pleasure for a reason, you know.
Why don't you write lists of your own? If you're bored that is.