Feb 13, 2007 13:37
and I came out the winner :) with Pepsi. mmm
I. love. long. weekends.
Except they really fuck you up for waking early for a full day's work the next day. Oh dear god today has been... interesting so far. I shall be here until 8 pm working so damn hard for the money...
A good day is a cold yogurtchino no matter the weather or season. Yum. I left for one of my 2 one hour breaks (they really are good about that. I mean... i could be pulling my hair out but they do this in 3 hr shifts so we dont burn out... except we end up burned out anyway so...) I start back working at 2 pm and oh joy one of the crazies just walked in and is sitting next to me. Oh great. Maria just told me I'd be working with her. Well. I will enjoy my yogurtchino and pray the buzz is strong enough for working with this chick today.
Is there anything mind numbing on TV tonight?