one month to go

May 10, 2009 14:33

1. renn fayre was pretty.

2. i think i have to come back to portland because thanks to fucking delta i was only there for 2 whole days. in the middle of june? perhapsish?

3. i love serving. i hate identifying as a waitress (case in point: i waited a woman from portland last week who instantly lit up when i mentioned that i went to reed, then just as quickly flashed me a look of pity and consternation when she asked why i was working in a restaurant), it's good money and fast-paced and fairly easy most of the time.

and also, where else do you get to see the best and worst of humanity? people are at their worst when hungry and at their best when full and slightly drunk.


there was a woman who was with her family last week who was probably one of the rudest human beings i've ever seen. after giving me the usual rich bitch up-and-down, she declined respond to my hellohowareyou and started ordering. when i asked her a question, she turned to her husband and snapped, "what did she say?" throughout the entire conversation she pretended i didn't exist. after waiting on her (dressingontheside, fatfree vinagreette can you add scallops to that iced tea with one slice lemon and lime but NO ICE) for an hour, she left without paying a tip.

just the other night, i waited on two business women who were quiet and polite. towards the end of the meal one woman realized she was late for a meeting so i rushed their orders and cashed them out quickly. about half an hour later, the woman came back to the restaurant. she approached me as i was cleaning the front part of the cafe and handed me a ten dollar bill. "we shortchanged you," she said. "it wasn't by much but i wanted to make sure you got your tip." she must have missed her meeting to come back and give me the correct change. hmm.
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