[rpf] Five Fights They Never Had [K/J, R, 1/1]

Jan 02, 2007 00:59

Title: Five Fights They Never Had
Author: indigo419
Rating: R, K/J

Summary: She fists one hand in his shirt - no marks, they both know the rules, even if they never speak them.

Disclaimer: These characters are just as fictional as Kara and Lee. If only they were mine.
A/N: Okay! Having exhausted all the ways I can think of to write Katie without official infidelity, I am now taking the plunge into full-on cheating. Cowabunga!

And this is for the fellow Katie connoisseurs who've made this week particularly memorable - wisteria_, marenfic, romanticalgirl, and elly427, among others! (Gosh, if this keeps up we'll need a Wireless-style newsletter, just for Katie!!) *g*

Five Fights

special hell, my fic

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