Jan 22, 2009 02:34
So I was talking with my Mexican friend Guillermo in spanish...I have a naughty habit of throwing in a few korean words here and there from habit but it wasn't too bad...
But yesterday I was trying to say in spanish:
"I didn't see you yesterday, you weren't there."
"Yo tu no mira, no eastas aqui"
Which had me fliping out because how on earth was he going to know who didn't see whom without a object marker....
Sadly I wondered how on earth he understood anything I said without them...how his language worked for a few moments until I realized I was retarded...
Like seriously retarded. By how I congigated the verbs was how he would know...
Oh man and my sentance structure in Spanish is terrible too...I just use Korean sentance structure half the time and get looks that make me feel as retarded as I am. XD