(no subject)

Jul 19, 2007 14:23

I bounce around from livejournal to facebook to wherever and right now I'm on facebook a fuck ton and livejournal a bit, but always reading never writing.

I did a lot of laundry last night, folded the mountain and then went to sleep. Woke up awake at 5:30 AM, which I do frequently these days, sat in bed until seven, dozing and talking, then got up, had breakfast and went to the court house to do research for a volenteer project I'm doing. Nifty! that building is so crazy!

Now I'm teaching a class (i'm on break) then I'll go to waukesha. I'm going to target afterwards and then I'm going to clean up my house and fold the rest of the laundry and sort stuff out, housecleaning wise.

what to make for dinner....Probably....soup? I want tacos but those are a group project.
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