Tuscon Days 1 and 2

Jun 08, 2007 13:42

Bye Chicago

Hello stack of books I've been meaning to read for ever!

I blend in with the couches in the lobby.

Day one Breakfast: Gazillions of Dollers to eat in the hotel and seriously NOTHING vegan.

These birds are not vegan...

One even had a milk 'stache

It's like a graveyard for planes. Just miles and miles of grounded airplains.

and a space museum, too.

Hunting for Mars Fossles

If I were president, this is what I'd look like.

So, we were supposed to go ATVing and we were going to meet the people at this mailbox. We were driving in our little malibu and fond these mailboxes on Missle Silo Road (for serious) and there was a gold rugged SUV parked by them. We pull up behind and wave and they just TAKE OFF. We figure we are just supposed to follow them and so we take off...only malibu's just don't stand up to Rugged SUVs (this is a place I can understand people having SUVs...climbing those mountains was a challenge for our car...) the pavement ends and they get onto these twisty turney hilly dirt roads and they are seriously going 60. We are trying so hard to keep up at 45 and the car is just getting tossed around.

"what are these people doing? don't they want us to follow them?" we ask. the people in the back seat are seasick by now and we are still trying to trail this cloud of dust the car is making.

But we lose them. "I had better call them and see if that was the right person" so anthony calls them...

"Hey, I think we lost you, were you in a gold SUV?....You mean you're in a white truck?...oh...I think we've been following the wrong people...no wonder they were driving so fast."

The right truck.

Suiting up.

The trash cans are made from bicycle forks. The strangest people keep the hiways clean here. One sign says "this hiway adopted by "chain gang."

Vegan food! This is a peper pizza. Every pepper I could order was on top of it, along with olives. YUM!

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