Aug 05, 2011 14:21
I have been cooking a lot more recently, and I might actually be good at it. I am now a pro at carmelizing onions, which is a special accomplishment since I just started liking them recently. I am being a bit more adventurous with recipes and even better, I'm not just blindly doing what recipes tell me, but rather adding and subtracting things that I might like. Cooking more with a lot of vegetables makes eating out a lot less fun. I feel bad at restaurants for getting soupy, gross sauces with a few sad looking vegetables and a lot of grease.
Sleeping has been hard lately due to the heat, but last night I was finally able to get a good night's sleep. I'm hoping it won't warm up today so that tonight will be cool enough to sleep. Bottom line, I just want fall to happen already.
In other news, Rachel and I are still so happy with each other. It's really amazing to be in such a stable relationship where we just care for each other so much. It's been a really pleasant routine to wake up, go on a long walk, cook together, and then go watch her practice her bass at the music building. I think it's really awesome to date someone who likes classical music so much, and isn't influenced at all by pop culture. I'm genuinely excited to wake up next to her every morning.