Little white house, it's everything we dreamed about...

Feb 13, 2008 11:43

So over the weekend I had a job interview that could very well set me up for the rest of my life. By that I don't mean that I'll never have a different job, or that I'm going to stop going to school. In fact, the very opposite of that. It will enable me to get an even better job in a few years and will be a great stepping stone to finishing my Bachelor's Degree and going to Graduate School. Maybe even getting my PsyD eventually.

But it just made me realize how financially stable I will be if I get the said job. Hourly I would be making almost twice as much as I make now, and monthly I'd be making almost three times as much. That's just insane. For me at least. I'm pretty responsible when it comes to money. I have the goal to pay off my credit cards for the most part in the first 3 months if I get this job and then starting to save for a new car. Because I love my little cavalier, but it's not going to last me through graduate school I don't think. Also, I believe in being able to reward yourself for hard work, and that's would be doing. I go to school and I work and I try not to depend on to many other people to help me our to take care of me. Basically only my mom. And in the last year I've been really going at that. I've learned my spending and lending limitations. A little reward never hurt anyone, and I think it would only serve as a big motivation to continue working hard.

I need to start cutting out the crap in my life. First and for most, cutting out the crap food in my life. No more Wendy's, Starbucks, Diner food. Those are my biggest areas of spending. And I know for the most part people cringe when Craig says "Kyla, your fat". But first off, it's an inside joke. But secondly, it's true. I'm carrying around a lot of extra weight which just isn't healthy more than how it makes me look. A good friend of mine wrote a blog just a few days ago and she talked about how her weight didn't stop her from being sexy and awesome. That is totally true. Though I may not ever be a stick or a rail or any other form of disgustingly skinny, I can be attractive without being Nicole Ritchie, because to be a completely honest...I don't know a single guy who honestly wants that. If they do? They are probably just insecure and shallow about their own self image...and that isn't someone who I want in my life at all. Well, because I'm fucking awesome. But getting back to the food, I just really need to stop using it as a vice and a comfort. Food is fuel and how can I possibly be fueling my mind, body, and soul with deep fried crap. And if you see me going to order something like that, make a comment about it. Maybe I'll seem a little ticked at first, but I'll thank you in the end.

I need to finish my application to Penn State as far as transferring. I'd also really love it would stop being so pessimistic. I've never seen a successful pessimistic person. I hate when I tell people I'm going to do something or go somewhere, and they give me a long list of why it's a bad idea or why they didn't like it. It's like they don't realize that I am not them. I do realize that maybe some people didn't like going to Penn State L.V. But ok, maybe I will. Because I know that main campus is not for me. I don't need to be able to go to a party every two days...because partying isn't my thing if you haven't figured that out yet. I'm never going to want to join a sorority. I have really good friends here and I continue to make more as time goes on so adding over priced housing and drunken idiots isn't really enticing to me. The possibility for a good education and a degree with a good name and supportive people surround me does.

I don't like it when people tell me how hard the job that I applied for will be. I could read the job description and I also interviewed for the job already. I toured the facility and I explained to me were the risks of the job. I understand. I would have told him at the end of the interview if I didn't think I was capable or that my schedule wouldn't fit. But to me, this job is a great match for me. I interviewed at a bank about a year ago, and I got the same feeling. That I would be a great for the job, and it pretty much looked like I had the job. That was, until we realized I'd have to cancel my summer classes, and I just didn't think that would be a good choice. Looking back, it probably wouldn't have made much difference, but I know I made the right choice. I just think this job is the right thing. I can only hope that they think I am the right person for the job. What I lack in experience, I make up for in ambition to learn. So please stop being so pessimistic and cross your fingers, knock on wood, or send up a prayer for me. If I can still look on the bright side, so can you.

I'm just slowly on the way to figuring out everything I want...and how to get it.

school, friendship, self image, job

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