Of course, this means I shall have to eat out today. Ah well, probably for the best. I am not exactly what one might call a world class cook.
[private to Integra] I am beginning to realise this, the longer I stay in this town. I tend to deal in the more mundane, and less fantastical. Hence, my disbelief.[/private]
[private to integra] In my defence, I wasn't aware that the town had witches and demon hunters, until today. They obviously keep themselves well hidden.
[private to integra] Well, I can't help it if my perceptions are limited to the ordinary. And it's not like people would go around announcing such things, right?
The Frogs in my day certainly didn't go around with tags on their chests saying: "We are a French ship, so by all means, go ahead and shoot at us."
Then it's a [deleted] date [/deleted] plan, then. I'm at 200B Baker Street. Come over early, and I'll keep aside a glowing utensil or two for you. They really need to be seen to be believed.
[private to Integra] None taken, my dear. Horses for courses, as they sometimes say. Take this as my crash course into the world of the..ah, less than ordinary.
They're a little harder to spot from the other end of a telescope, I can tell you. Especially as the more crafty captains tended to use flags of other nations to disguise their ships.
I don't know whether I should be comforted or worried that the French are still capable of causing riots, even in the future.
[deleted]But I would like to see your place of residence[/deleted]
[private to Sir Integra]
Miss Byrne suggested that it might be magic. I mean, how ridiculous of an idea is that?
[private to Sir Pellew]
Unfortunately, not as ridiculous as you might think[/private]
Of course, this means I shall have to eat out today. Ah well, probably for the best. I am not exactly what one might call a world class cook.
[private to Integra]
I am beginning to realise this, the longer I stay in this town. I tend to deal in the more mundane, and less fantastical. Hence, my disbelief.[/private]
[private to edward]
And the fact that you live in a town populated by witches and demon hunters doesn't strike you as "fantastical?"
[private to integra]
In my defence, I wasn't aware that the town had witches and demon hunters, until today. They obviously keep themselves well hidden.
[private to edward]
Or perhaps you are not as perceptive as you like.
It might just be that. How does dinner sound?
[private to integra]
Well, I can't help it if my perceptions are limited to the ordinary. And it's not like people would go around announcing such things, right?
The Frogs in my day certainly didn't go around with tags on their chests saying: "We are a French ship, so by all means, go ahead and shoot at us."
[private to edward]
Of course -- I meant no insult.
Though -- I doubt that it would be too difficult to spot Frenchmen from a mile away. (God knows ours caused a riot.)
I'm at 200B Baker Street. Come over early, and I'll keep aside a glowing utensil or two for you. They really need to be seen to be believed.
[private to Integra]
None taken, my dear. Horses for courses, as they sometimes say. Take this as my crash course into the world of the..ah, less than ordinary.
They're a little harder to spot from the other end of a telescope, I can tell you. Especially as the more crafty captains tended to use flags of other nations to disguise their ships.
I don't know whether I should be comforted or worried that the French are still capable of causing riots, even in the future.
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