Sep 05, 2005 15:49
Well i managed to make it in for work on Sunday, I still didnt get home till like half 4 in the morning on sat nite, me and ally walked home and we seen the trendy yet getting skinnier all the time garrowhill fox out on the prowl!
Work on Sunday was bleugh! Came home to find that i had to do some major housework, for viewers coming round to see house this week.
Sy and Kat then came down to pick up Sy's vodie and bag amongst other things and Kat managed to make me give her a fiver for paddys gig, which by the way Kat, whats happening on thur nite! u coming here b4 it or what!
Eventually went to bed and felt miserable! aka thinking about certain persons! however i am feeling muchos better today!
This morning well sorry afternoon as i managed not to wake up till like 1pm which is late for me! Did more housework and listened to musique! by the way loving the kelly clarkson right now, sean and fee have such good taste!
Was McShanes birthday yesterday so big happy 18th to her! Shes still probs drunk, as long as u didnt throw up over anyone thats coolio!
I am rather worried as fee has seemed to dissapear from livejournal everyone must rile fee up and make her update! kisses cuddles waves im off to have a much needed shower before the dreaded work situation argh
On a rather annoyed note, everyone who works at the fort will not be happy to know that as of November the whole fort will be open till 10pm during the week permanently as in like forever not just xmas, whats that all about! rrrrr
much love l x