I signed up to get these free stickers thinking that the supreme court would not uphold prop 8. Now that they have, I'm going to get more and just pass them out. They're free. Want one? Get them here.
"Dear friend,
After a lot of years of devastating setbacks in the fight for marriage equality, it seems like we're finally moving in the right direction. With marriage legal in Massachusetts, Connecticut, Iowa, Vermont and Maine, and the fights going strong in New Hampshire, New York and California, this movement is gaining more momentum every day, and I'm excited to be a part of it.
To that end, I wanted to let you know that CREDO Action is giving away some awesome stickers about supporting gay marriage - I think you'd really like them. I just got mine - if you have a minute, click this link to check out the stickers and get one of your own (for free!).
http://act.credoaction.com/stickers/?r_by=-2037567-pBkpQfx&rc=taf.sticker Thanks!"
Display proudly that you are not among the intolerant and prejudiced. I am so disappointed in you California. For the first time in my life, I am ashamed of you.