(well, i have kept myself kinda busy these days with work and school and being on that research team, and starting a revolution. what's that you say? please read on. distribute widely. spread the word. a collective has been formed. i want all of you to join! check out this letter, it is what we are distributing. i'll post our 13 point platform later.)
Women We Admire:
We are members of a Revolutionary group of Women: The Backroom Guerrilla Brigade. This organization is born out of the need for representation. It serves as an outlet to initiate societal change when the rest of the world had forgotten their social responsibilities. We recognize our existence in a position of power, and will utilize our "privilege" under this Nation's control to speak our minds, to organize, to publish, and to educate. We are the Revolutionaries of a generation, born of the mixing of cultures, ethnicities, religions, languages, politics, backgrounds, countries, values, and “histories”. We are multi-faceted, we are diverse, we are divided in our passions and in our interests. We are dynamic, conscious of shifting global phenomena, and committed to an array of issues. We believe in a socially, economically, and politically conscious lifestyle. We believe that the personal is political. We believe in our ability to change the world.
We have contacted you, because we feel that your interests may coincide with ours. There are things about you that inspire us, and we seek your membership into our collective. We ask for your support, your writings, your artwork, your opinions, your photos, your journals, your talents, your presence. We invite you to join this group of Revolutionaries. Read our 13 Point Platform. Believe in the power of networking, and grassroots organization. In the true spirit of Revolution, we do not know where this venture will lead us. We believe in your ability to help us shape the course this movement takes. We ask for your solidarity in this struggle.
Our website and zine are slated to launch on March 1, 2005. Below you can find information on the content being considered for this issue. Nothing is set in stone; we would love submissions, feedback, questions, ideas, and any help that you could give.
Women like you are vital to our cause. Your involvement is key to the success of this Revolution. With love and respect we extend this invitation to you.
Paz y solidaridad,
Mischa Rose Guzmán and Harmony Lucy Stone
Backroom Guerrilla Brigade
Next Month's Issue
Projected Publication Date: March 1, 2005
Debunk of the Month: Anthropology
Random Acts of Revolution
Vegan Friendly Restaurant Review
Member Profile of the Month
Psychology Feature
“Found” Objects
Media Montage (CD/Book/Movie/Magazine Reviews)
Artwork (Photos/Comics/Paintings/Fiction/Drawings)
http://profiles.myspace.com/users/18433465 E-Mail: bguerrillab@gmail.com
“At the risk of seeming ridiculous, let me say that the true Revolutionary is guided by a great feeling of love.” - Che Guevara