I put this together for
holiday recathon:
Some of these are repeats of my previous fic rec lists
indie's Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles fic rec list:
life-on-queen"That's Gonna Leave a Mark"
http://life-on-queen.livejournal.com/709695.html?thread=4195647#t4195647[ Gen | sarah, John, Derek, Cameron ]
The prompt for this was "John accidentally shoots Sarah"
The End of the World As We Know It (And I Feel Fine?)
http://life-on-queen.livejournal.com/695457.html[ Gen |Sarah, John ]
This is not the Apocalypse you were looking for.
Untitled SCC fic
http://life-on-queen.livejournal.com/685170.html#cutid1[ Teen |Sarah, Derek ]
http://life-on-queen.livejournal.com/670612.html#cutid1[ Gen |Sarah ]
There's a moment when the future becomes real and it's not pleasant.
http://the-grynne.livejournal.com/554746.html[ PG |Cameron, John, Derek, Kyle ]
"Observe the observer observed." - William S. Burroughs, Ghost of Chance
roxybisquaintSalvation in the Grass
http://roxybisquaint.livejournal.com/735.html[ Teen| Sarah, Derek | 4,300 words ]
Sarah and Derek find common ground in the loss of Kyle.
The Grocery List
http://roxybisquaint.livejournal.com/10992.html[ PG-14 | Sarah/Derek | 500 words ]
He wanted it. She gave it to him.
One Round
http://roxybisquaint.livejournal.com/8612.html[ no rating | Derek | 300 words ]
The prompt was: Derek and/or John, the number 90210.
2 Minutes Late
http://roxybisquaint.livejournal.com/7941.html[ no rating | Sarah | 240 words ]
The prompt was: Sarah and/or Cameron catching a train.
http://cianconnell.livejournal.com/100460.html[ R | Derek, Kyle | 7,918 words ]
It’s a one-shot, Derek’s POV, set about a week after the boys jumped in Dungeons & Dragons
The Parting Glass
http://cianconnell.livejournal.com/104363.html[ R | Derek, Kyle, Connor and Perry | 6,622 words ]
It’s a one-shot, Derek’s POV, hopefully AU. Set on John Connor’s 30th birthday.
wizeficsFive Things that Derek Reese Learned About John Connor
http://wizefics.livejournal.com/93123.html[ Gen | John, Derek ]
Derek can see the man he once knew in the boy before him.
http://wizefics.livejournal.com/94286.html[ Teen | Derek ]
Double Vision
http://wizefics.livejournal.com/98264.html[ Gen | John, Derek, Sarah ]
http://wizefics.livejournal.com/114634.html[ Gen ]
Getting shot isn't the most painful thing in the world.
Crawling to the Moon
http://wizefics.livejournal.com/116815.html[Teen | Kyle/Sarah ]
Sometimes one imperfection makes everything else so much more beautiful.
Daddy Issues
http://wizefics.livejournal.com/121594.html[Teen | John, Kyle ]
Three Conversations John Connor Had with Kyle Reese that Messed with His Mind.
Good Night, Sleep Tight
http://wizefics.livejournal.com/125984.html[ Gen | John, Sarah ]
When John was a baby, Sarah used to sing him to sleep. And then he grew up.
Sands In the Hour Glass
http://wizefics.livejournal.com/129367.html[ Gen | John ]
Five Things John Connor Learned About Time.
Wishful Thinking
http://wizefics.livejournal.com/130119.html[ Sarah/Cameron ]
“I do not understand why this dress is important.”
Never Ask About the Flip Side
http://wizefics.livejournal.com/141071.html[ Gen ]
The quickest way to the heart is through the stomach.
http://community.livejournal.com/tja_rama/137540.html[ John ]
Maybe he's making things worse.
joyeuxnoelPersonal Pronouns
http://joyeuxnoel.livejournal.com/821760.html[ John, Cameron ]
dramadyJust a Boy
http://dramady.livejournal.com/167758.html[ Gen | John ]
He's always thinking about it. Everyone else forgets.
John Connor's Terrible, Horrible, No-Good, Very Bad Day
http://dramady.livejournal.com/174462.html[ R | John, Derek, Cameron ]
John sees something he really, really, really didn’t want to see.
The Birds and the Bees
http://dramady.livejournal.com/168904.html[ R | John, Derek ]
Derek forgot to knock. John forgot to lock his door.
Four Times Sarah Forgot John's Birthday. And One Time She Didn't
http://dramady.livejournal.com/159367.html[ PG | John, Sarah ]
Falling Apart
http://dramady.livejournal.com/211828.html[PG-13 | Gen | John, Sarah ]
John’s POV of the moment at the end of Mr. Ferguson is Ill Today
danahidFewer Than You Think
http://danahid.livejournal.com/8858.html[ Gen | 4,830 words ]
He now owns 127 pieces of Confucian advice, none of which will help him save the world from the machines.
Fall Through the Night
http://danahid.livejournal.com/9706.html[ PG | Sarah/Derek | 2,473 words ]
He is dreaming that he sees them standing under the tree, Derek and his mother - Sarah - standing so close that they don’t look like two people but like some new creature that he’s never seen before.
The Collapsed Girl
http://danahid.livejournal.com/9408.html[ Gen | PG | 1,305 words ]
When (If) Cameron Knew
Your Love Is The Place Where I Come From
http://danahid.livejournal.com/8986.html[ Gen | PG | 776 words ]
Sarah lost John
tangoficWhat He Didn’t Understand
http://tangofic.livejournal.com/225322.html[ R | John/Cameron | 600 words ]
John reflects on his feelings about Cameron
http://svilleficrecs.livejournal.com/725594.html[ NC-17 | Sarah/Derek | ~5700 words]
He's filled with the sudden, intense urge to tell her all about Kyle, but she doesn't care. And she doesn't ask.
Direct Affinity
http://svilleficrecs.livejournal.com/697816.html[ NC- 17 | Derek/Sarah | ~2600 ]
For just a second she terrifies him and he doesn't know why.
marenficStranger Things (you are not alone)
http://marenfic.livejournal.com/134903.html[John/Cameron/Derek | PG-13 ]
John/Cameron/Derek with a family-vibe.
sabaceanbabeCome In From the Rain
http://sabaceanbabe.livejournal.com/199786.html[ PG-13 | Derek/Sarah | 1,351 words]
This fic was spawned by a comment at [info]the_other_reese, I believe in one of the Polls of Whimsy(TM), about someone wanting to see Derek dancing in the rain, ala Aeryn Sun in Farscape
http://sabaceanbabe.livejournal.com/207085.html[ PG | Derek Reese, Sayles ]
Derek, a towel, and beer
http://sabaceanbabe.livejournal.com/233740.html[ PG | Derek, Kyle | 715 words ]
"Derek, please," Kyle whines, his voice desperate. "Can’t we just go home? I want mom."
Untitled Ficlet
http://sabaceanbabe.livejournal.com/239284.html[ Derek ]
The first touch of the needle stung
http://powergrapes.livejournal.com/1844.html[ PG | John Connor, Chuck Bartowski ]]
Chuck Bartowski and John Connor walk into a bar. No, really. Crossover with Chuck.
http://powergrapes.livejournal.com/1180.html[ R | John/Cameron ]
One day, John Connor googled robot human sex... and sometimes, Google just doesn't have all the answers.
Futures (A Cold Night For A Lifetime)
http://powergrapes.livejournal.com/2264.html[ PG | Sarah/Derek, John/Cameron ]
Let's assume the best-case scenario for the gang: they destroy Skynet and live happily ever after. This is one version of their "happily ever after".
monimalaA Lifetime's Worth
http://monimala.livejournal.com/461939.html[ R | Sarah/Derek | 875 words]
She's incapable of breaking. Her own sharp edges cut her sometimes when she's yanking her jeans down over her hips.
http://monimala.livejournal.com/487101.html[ R | Sarah/Derek | 650 words]
Takes place shortly after the end of season one. There are a lot of things Derek tries not to think about.
http://monimala.livejournal.com/455229.html[ PG | Sarah | 888 words]
A tag for 1.5, "Queen's Gambit," that will probably be Jossed by 1.6. She always has to keep pushing, or it's someone else's blood they'll be cleaning up tomorrow.
A Little Less Conversation
http://monimala.livejournal.com/529627.html[ R | Sarah/Derek | 750 words]
A tag for episode 2.2, "Automatic For the People," If you fill a silence with unnecessary noise, you can't hear the enemy coming.
cisaacT: SCC Fanfic Trilogy: Paradigm Shift, Duality, Emergence
[ Ensemble | multiple chapters]
Paradigm Shift
http://cisaac.livejournal.com/tag/paradigm+shift Hypothetical Season 2 Premiere. Cromartie and Ellison both seek out the Connors, who recover from the bombing. Spoilers through all Season 1 episodes.
http://cisaac.livejournal.com/tag/duality Cameron struggles with her evolution as the Connors face down their greatest opponent yet -- an exact duplicate of Cameron's model who plans to create SkyNet early and bring Judgment Day down on their heads.
http://cisaac.livejournal.com/tag/emergenceInsanity and confusion reign as a prophet for a new messiah rises, a Terminator with a very unusual goal searches for Cameron, and the Connors learn of Catherine Weaver and her plan to change the world forever.
Author: Naja Melanoleuca aka
naja_niveaFirst Dates
http://www.fanfiction.net/s/4157311/1/First_Dates[ Teen | Ensemble ]
Author: Sister Rose
Five Times Derek Lied
http://www.fanfiction.net/s/4516608/1/Five_Times_Derek_Lied ***
svmadelynShe Moves (In Mysterious Ways)
http://svmadelyn.livejournal.com/538543.html[PG | Morris, Cameron, John, Derek Cheri | 2700 words]
Five things Morris learns about Cameron at prom.
Four Birthdays John Connor Never Celebrated
http://svmadelyn.livejournal.com/566217.html ***
http://rhienelleth.livejournal.com/396426.html[NC-17 | Sarah/Derek | 9950 words ]
After the events of the season one finale, the weight of secrets between Derek and Sarah creates tension between them.
taraljcTemporal Mechanics
http://taraljc.livejournal.com/1101294.html[ PG | John, Cameron ]
Set during "Vick's Chip". John Connor's knowledge of temporal mechanics hinges on linear time and the concept of causality.
lizardbeth-jTwenty Minutes
http://lizardbeth-j.livejournal.com/138695.html[ PG | Gen | 1100 words ]
There's something missing when he looks in the mirror.
A Moment's Respite
http://lizardbeth-j.livejournal.com/155499.html[ Adult | Sarah/Derek ]
The ghost of Kyle hung between them but it wasn't what she wanted. Not right now.
hackthisThank God, it's Fatal
http://hackthis.livejournal.com/474461.html[PG | Derek, Kyle, Cameron ]
http://graceandfire.livejournal.com/10870.html[ Gen | Derek, Kyle ]
Derek loses Kyle.
everagabyGrin and Bear It
http://everagaby.livejournal.com/71648.html[ Adult | Sarah/Derek ]
Kitten sweaters, town gardens, and Parent Teacher Conferences: Derek Reese’s own personal hell.
madeleinemaeSeven Secrets Sarah Connor Keeps
http://community.livejournal.com/eitherlife/13063.htmlone-shot of seven vignettes set within the Terminator universe with a focus on The Terminator and season one of Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles; spoilers for both. 2500 words, romance/angst genre, Sarah-centric with Sarah/Kyle and Sarah/Derek. Cut-tag from "The Queen's Gambit" episode five, season one of Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles.
Everywhere You Go, Anyone You Become, You Take It All With You
http://community.livejournal.com/eitherlife/13985.htmlJohn wants the truth from Derek about his history with Cameron and why the hate runs so deep for this specific terminator [mentions of Cameron, Allison Young and Kyle Reese]. Rated PG-13 for language, 1350 words, familial angst, one-shot fan fiction for Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles. Indeterminate time frame, sometime after season two's fourth episode; spoilers for episode 2x4 "Allison from Palmdale." Cut-tage line from "Grey Room" by Damien Rice.
takethewordsI Made You and Now I Take You Back
http://community.livejournal.com/_creations_/44877.htmlThe setting is perfect, really. Stupid sheets with planes across the linen fabric and Lego blocks left all over the place. If he takes off her clothes, touches her there, there, maybe there, and sees what makes her moan, it would be like he was a child playing with a toy.
missnyahPaul Is Dead
http://missnyah.livejournal.com/8508.html[ PG | General connor, Derek Reese ]
What do you do when your God dies? You fake it.
mercurybardImprovised Explosive Device
http://community.livejournal.com/mercstales/8306.html[PG-13 | John, Derek ]
lint138Strange Bedfellows
http://lint138.livejournal.com/237001.html[PG-13 | John, Cameron ]
The bedroom scene, four ways it could have gone.
the-tin-missIt's a Crime
http://the-tin-miss.livejournal.com/25580.html[ Teen | Sarah/Derek ]
mrsrottenUntitled Fanfiction
http://community.livejournal.com/connorchronicle/61815.html[PG ]
One Shot piece examining the change from the cold hard Sarah from T2 movie and the softer more loving Sarah of the series.