TITLE: Touchstone
It’s a Wonderful LifeAUTHOR:
indieficCHARACTERS: John Connor, Kyle Reese
WARNINGS: Spoilers for all of season 2.
DISCLAIMER: Don't own 'em. Don't know who does.
TIMELINE: post Judgment Day
NOTES: This is a series of vignettes set post “Born to Run”
SUMMARY: none of it is supposed to be this
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It really is. It's the one damn thing aside from Kyle's "spank snap" o' Sarah.
((And for the record, if you purposely don't use it now just because I did, I shall curse you. Nyah! ;p Seriously, write thy fic.))
It's possible that John doesn't even suspect where Kyle got the pocket watch but that it's the connection to Cameron and the past that has him gee'd up.
That was my intention when I wrote it. I like the idea that in this bizarro world John has so many of the same reference points (Derek, Cameron-Allison, metal, guns) that it's not always readily apparent to him what's out of place (even with his own behavior).
I like the symmetry - John gives his father something of his mother's, Sarah gives John's father something of her son's. *applauds*
Thanks. Although now I'm thinking I may have to break sequence and go back and have a section that deals with Sarah and Kyle's time in Century.
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Okay. I've got to stop or I'm going to drive this fic right into CRACK! territory. It's a weakness.
because she was unable or uninterested, I wonder.
My reasoning is that it's solely because she wasn't John Connor and much the way that Sarah isn't swappable with any other mother/fighter figure, John Connor is just as irreplaceable. Even Sarah couldn't do what he did. Kyle is trying ... but is nowhere as successful.
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