needyneddy 's request I decided to do a proper post about last night...rather than merely summarising in her comments section.
Where to begin...? This is going to be long...sorry...but hopefully worth it...!
Yesterday afternoon I was summonsed to the powerhouse for a "staff
meeting", even though about two weeks previously I sent an email
requesting that I be taken off the roster and kinda be allowed to
'leave quietly'. Clearly due to my unparalleled bar service I was
invited to attend the auspicious staff meeting yesterday
afternoon. What they didn't tell me on the phone was that the
meeting was also doubling as an "employee assessment" interview
scenario, and tripling as a piss-up. So after the somewhat
awkward process (for both of us) of being graded as an employee by
someone I actually consider to be a personal friend, I hit the spark
bar for a free Pinot Gris. Or as Clare and Tommo kept calling
it...a "Deano Gris-io"...referring to my boss' love/addiction to said
wine. Thinking I was about to go home, I then had a shot of this
weird foreign vodka that I have never tasted before and wrote it off as
'research' or 'product knowledge'. Then came the part NO
ONE had told me about....the compulsory staff outing (no pun
intended) to brisbane's gay mega-club THE BEAT! I tried numerous
times to convince Clare and Tommo that we should sneak away before the
cabs came, but to no avail.
The next thing I remember is being handed a series of cards and
vouchers at the door by a man who looked like he had just stepped out
of an episode of the Sopranos...I am NOT kidding btw. Deano paid
for us all (God bless him) and then explained that for our $10 entry
fee we were entitled to 3 free glasses of champagne, and ten dollars of
"COCKATOO CLUB MONEY"...or as I pointed out previously..."COCK-OR-TWO"
club money. This seemed too good to be true...and it was.
Please note children...cockatoo club money...although it may appear
completely whimsical and harmless...almost like monopoly
comes with a hidden karmic price!!
I then proceeded to the bar where I was met by overtly gay bartenders
wearing white waist coats whose primary function could only have been
to humiliate the staff wearing them. I mean seriously these waist
coasts would not have looked good on ANYONE. They should all have
been burned! It was like someone had made them from leftover
table cloth trimmings, but didn't actually measure the material
properly. Anyway, so I cashed in one of my free champagne
tix and after my first sip was taken on a magical mystery tour of my
past - mainly featuring memories of passion pop and vomiting.
This stuff seriously could have stripped paint off the walls...and
infact the entire place SMELT like it had been cleaned with the very
champagne I was drinking...or was that bleach/chlorine? Who could
Then started the embarrassing part of the evening where the champagne
started to send me slightly insane, and I was for some reason the
happiest man in the world to realise that a Tooheys New was only $3 at
the Beat on a sunday, and therefore I could get three with my $10 of
"COCK-OR-TWO" money. What a BARGAIN! Anyhoo... so I started
talking to a new powerhouse bar manager called Amity who I have only
ever spoken to over the phone, and for some reason thought it would be
really appropriate to tell her that I thought her girlfriend was REALLY
hot. Then I proceeded to apparently 'take off' Amity directly to
her face...without even knowing I was doing it. You see...I
thought I was taking off the character of "Ja'mie" from the ABC
mockumentary series 'we can be heroes'...but everyone else seemed to
think I was doing a 'better impression of Amity than Amity
herself'. Oh dear. All I remember from this point on is
Deano laughing AT me a lot (this can't have been good) and me
constantly saying "SERIOUSLY...FUGLY" the Ja'mie voice about 400
times. I thought I was the funniest person alive.
Then came...or perhaps just prior to some of this came the part where
we were able to cash in our BBQ ticket and choose from the Beat
Buffet...which in ANY context sounds confronting. I have never
been served a buffet BBQ by a series of drag queens, but I must say, I
think it was best described by Tommo as "Gay club meets David
Lynch". One of the drag queens seriously sounded EXACTLY like the
mafia guy on the front door as she asked if I wanted steak (insert
gruffest robbo accent)..."Do ya want STEAK!?". At this point I'm
beginning to understand why you are given so much free alcohol...just
so you don't FREAK OUT or even worse, piece together that the scary old
dude on the front door, was probably also a drag queen serving you
beef! Help.
So who's up for next week? hahhaha