Dec 10, 2006 01:45

this week was difficult, because we had a 4 way tie at one point, but pretty much the last voter decided the score. i'm sorry to announce, that this week we have to eliminate-

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results, challenge 3, round 1

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Ehhh... whitestroke December 11 2006, 02:38:32 UTC
You know how I actually agreed with that one person first week who voted my icon off because of the circle, etc?! Well, I don't really agree with any of the reasons these people gave. Maybe I'm wrong, but I've noticed you and me have pretty similar taste in icons. (And yes, your icon in that community was one of the best ones on that poll.)

i was #7 btw
And oh yeah, I voted for YOUR icon again. We definitely share the taste in these things.

just look at #6Exactly. (My friend Cat told me the same thing. She actually wants to stop participating. She feels incredibly horrible that I got voted off. She just can't believe it. I'll have to talk her into not giving up. I'd feel bad that she does it because of me. I'm not worth it. :/) But seriously, I sometimes wonder, as she said, who is voting in these communities except us. Other graphic-makers who know what they're talking about or people who can't even handle MS Paint and don't know a thing or two about technical sides of icon-making ( ... )


Re: Ehhh... arbuus December 11 2006, 18:16:36 UTC
aww, thanks =)

lol, i noticed, i'm starting to get the feeling like you know which ones mine are =)

ack, no, she shouldn't stop just because of that, i mean first off, it's just a game. i mean there will always be round #2. it's just some friendly competition, it's a bit tougher than regular challenges but all the feedback and concrit we get from it just makes us better icon makers, doesn't it+ at least that's how it works for me =) i get a lot of inspiration from icon challenges etc. and also, it's just for fun, ain't it? ;)

ok, that's it, i added you! i hope you don't mind and i have no idea why i haven't done it before, but anyway, i did now so.. =)


Re: Ehhh... whitestroke December 13 2006, 07:56:37 UTC
Actually, I don't know which ones are yours but I end up voting for them. LOL ( ... )


Re: Ehhh... arbuus December 13 2006, 23:28:39 UTC
lol, well, that's just weird then =)

yeah, i guess it can be hard when you really don't think you'll get voted off. i usually just tell myself, oh hell, what do they know? lol. i mean sometimes when i submit an entry and i've worked really hard on it and i'm proud of it and when people don't like it, then i feel sad, but when i know i've done a slacker job, then i'm not expecting anything in return. but sometimes i just get lucky =)

lol, i add new people very rarely. i don't know why.. i guess i don't want to seem like i'm forcing myself on someone. so most of the friends i have, have befriended me. but sometimes, i might talk to that person for a really long time, but when i add her/him as a friend, somehow it all just slips away. i run out of things to say and the thrill goes away =) hehe, that's kind of sad really. but yeah, i mean with you, we've been talking for like aaaaaagggeeeeessss so i just thought, what the hell, i mean i might as well friend you =)
and don't worry, it usually takes quite a lot to anger me or upset me =)


Re: Ehhh... whitestroke December 16 2006, 07:01:13 UTC
I was really surprised this week. I didn't expect it AT ALL. As opposed to the week before that when I was surprised when I didn't see myself being voted off. LOL

We definitely have something to talk about. :) And I'm glad you weren't hurt/offended by my entry. I need to vent sometimes. I'm bottling things up way too much. I know it's not good, but you kinda start doing it subconsciously at some point and then you can't stop. Ehhh.

I have a very bad habit of talking to my friends outside of our Journals. In other people's LJs or in the communities. Usually about stuff we talked about in OUR Journals, and making some references that no one else gets. I bet most communities I'm a member of think I'm a total weirdo or something for always talking about stuff that makes no sense to anyone else. LOL


Re: Ehhh... arbuus December 16 2006, 14:56:39 UTC
i guess we all were =)

haha, not at all =)

lol, i can tell. *roflmao*


Re: Ehhh... arbuus December 11 2006, 18:17:20 UTC
oh, and that severe sunburn comment made me laugh =)


Re: Ehhh... whitestroke December 13 2006, 08:11:01 UTC
Yeah. Talking about trying to find metaphores for your voting-off reasons because you can't explain them technically... LOL


Re: Ehhh... arbuus December 13 2006, 23:30:11 UTC
LOL, but at least it was amusing =)


Re: Ehhh... whitestroke December 16 2006, 07:08:36 UTC
You know, I sometimes get the impression that people are not voting off the worst icons simply because they don't know how to describe reasons for it. There's a whole icon-making lingo that some people are not very good at, I guess. LOL


Re: Ehhh... arbuus December 16 2006, 13:40:55 UTC
heh, yeah, could be =)


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