Aug 01, 2007 20:47

we had some very versatile votes this time and some people loved some icons as much as other people disliked it. so here are the final results


juiceb0xx with -10 votes

sorry and i hope you'll join us in the next round!


thatgirlsoph with +3 votes


and this is not because of last night!! i really do love it and the way you've managed to turn the picture into something mystical with the subtle blue glow around jack and the light texture just enhances everything.

1: -6 +3
2: -1 +4
3: -1 +3
4: -1 +1
5: -3 +3
6: -10 +1
7: -7 +1
8: -3










- The cropping looks awkward. You cannot see the face...
- Unflattering crop, and 'Jack White' would be more suitable text since not even half of him can be seen, let alone Meg.
- weird cropping
- The cropping isn't very appealing
- I don't like the way that you can't see the subject's face and the text is too simple.
- terrible cropping, the text is distracting also
+ very original cropping. I normally dislike white text in icons but this mixes well with the icon coloring
+ The cropping, text placement, and coloring are all great.
+ no reason given

- The pic's very small, its hard to tell what it is...
+ no reason given
+ I looooove the cropping!
+ Lovely composition, neat texture, and the text is very well done
+ good use of black and white and text works really well

- Too dark and messy. Nothing special was done to it, sorry.
+ nice colouring and textures
+ I love the coloring
+ I really like the colouring and use of textures on this icon

- the cropping is unflattering and the text is overly pixelated
+ Nice use of texture, interesting cropping and good text placement

- The yellow is a little distracting at first and it's a little bit hard to know who is in the icon because of the cropping
- The flash is a funny idea but the placement isn't very good
- Entire icon seems random - bright yellow lightning brush doesn't fit, and due to the cropping, most of the icon is blank
+ Very interesting
+ no reason given
+ very creative!

- It would have looked a lot better without the text, it really lowers the quality of the icon
- it just doesn't look like the icon flows. The texture/text don't go together
- Texture added doesn't fit the icon, text isn't easy to read and the font clashes
- The texture and text don't fit the picture, and the coloring is too blue
- There is way too much going on here and the 'la's on the bottom don't really suit the icon
- crop and text placement are unexciting, the texture doesn't add anything either
- text doesn't work with the icon
- The text is badly-placed and the colouring is too blueish
- Text placement is hard to read in spots and the bright white light with the texture on the side makes the whole thing just overwhelming
- seems nothing was done to the colouring, the icon shows me lack of creativity
+ no reason given

- the image could be a bit sharper and the arrangement of the circles looks very random
- The texture is very distracting. It's hard to focus on Jack
- The circular texture sort of over powers the icon
- The textures, while being popular, distracts from the overall image
- the texture is overpowering
- icon is too blurry
- the icon is too busy and the colouring washed out
+ Creative use of brushes, it really stands out form the rest

- The red text isn't readable and the scribbles above the head look akward.
- The text looks kind of oversharp
- The font isn't really working, its getting lost. Maybe a solid font would work better

and there was one more comment-
kudos for 04 and 08, they are very good too. :)

(let me know if i made any mistakes!)

round 3, results, challenge 3

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