Mar 03, 2007 18:15

ok, so now that we're successfully through ROUND #1 it's time to move on to ROUND #2. there will be slight changes made in the rules and also, we have A NEW LAYOUT!!
check it out here-
indie_lims indie_lims indie_lims

and a userinfo layout HERE

the three main rules that will be 'introduced' this challenge are-
- you can't skip the first challenge
- each person will get a skip just by signing up! so that means you'll all have 1 skip to strat off with and you can get another after you pimp this community somewhere
- there will be a comment post after each voting (as suggested by whitestroke). this means that after each challenge i'll post the icons and all the votes they got, so people can see what others like/don't like about certain aspects of an icon. the comments will still remain anonymous. it's just so that you can discuss/compare and just see what people think.

EDIT- oops, i almost forgot- we have a new affiliate, adam_stills
they need a few more members, so go and join!

// affiliate // rules

now another thing i'd like you to do is-
please suggest bands you'd like to see in this round!
- they have to be bands who weren't in the last round
- and they have to be indie (duh!)

ok, so that's it for now and just hold on for 2 more minutes for the sign-up post for round #2 =)

suggestions, mod post

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