Hopefully by thursday, I'm just starting to feel better.
I'll post a new blog when either A) something worth retelling happens or B) I'm bored enough to kill myself... it happens.
ps, I'm a sucker for music with a dark aesthetic, hence why people call me goth. The cosmetics and black apparel have nothing to do with it, I promise.
When are you bringing the DVD?
and post another blog; you know I can't get enough of your vampire musings and others calling you a gothic fag.
I'll post a new blog when either A) something worth retelling happens or B) I'm bored enough to kill myself... it happens.
ps, I'm a sucker for music with a dark aesthetic, hence why people call me goth. The cosmetics and black apparel have nothing to do with it, I promise.
that's good you're feeling better, i'm glad.
my mom has the habit of calling everyone goth. i'm like, "mom, the kids at hot topic are not real goths." she thinks the madden brothers are goth.
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