Jun 18, 2006 12:15
Well LJ-ers. Its been a while amigos. Before we start, I feel it would be unfaithful of me to conceal the actual truth. I could gloss the situation over and say I have been spending my time doing all my impending homework (as perhaps I should have) or spent it "canoodling" avec hotties (i wish) but no... i have faltered to a much stronger and horrific force. myspace.
but dont u guys go getting your girl boxers in a twist because the indiefairy is-a-back. back avec vengence. today i shall be talking about the usual mix of clothes, celebrities and scandal so enjoy my pretties.
Let us begin by looking at how much has changed since I last spoke to you... my then buddha (if you will) Mischa Barton has died the hair.... brown and WTF mischa why did 'they' kill you off. i loved you. i needed to see how perfect u are on a weekly basis at 9pm on a tuesday to model myself.... that sounds sad but hey... at least im goddam honest. Lindsay Lohan has sacked Racheal Zoe. apparently. mhm yeeah and now that shes floating about in those hippy skirts ("clueless moment": so last year even sienna burned) we can't help but wonder if their split will last for long or they will get back together just like sienna did herself with jude.
i have no more inspiration for this lj post.woah have i changed. wow this almost becomes so emo i need to rewrite this on myspace or worse XANGA which *NO* i do not have.....
luv ya all x x x
racheal zoe