On the 5th day I split my Heel.

Feb 04, 2009 10:51

So, Saturday was my group processing  for the CA position.
Today was my first interview at 10:00am
My second interview is Next Tuesday at 3:30 pm.

Group Processing:
Was actually a lot more fun than I thought, and it went by really fast for an 8 hour day of being watched and tested like lab rats.
We had a total of 8 sessions..9 including lunch.
Session 1- Grouping
So apparently instead off ya know just making it easy on themselves and emailing EVERYONE in one go, they emailed us by our interview groups. To each his own. So instead of the 18 people i naively thought were applying there were upwards of 100. And anyway, i was applicant number 3, I really had no sense of numbers, but I should have known! 
  I was on the Black team aka Batman team. I know have two nifty little strips of black cloth with a yellow puffy paint bat symbol outlined on them. I got to wear both all day! Joy!!! We had to due the people bingo- find some one who is a vegetarian, get them to  sign. blah blah blah.  Then we did the grocery game- Guess the price. Ten items how much did I spend??  We were to find out at a later day, then we split.

Session 2- Get to know you, Plan Orientation
  So we followed batman aka Mark ( A GHD from the bottom of the hill), to fireside lounge, were we got to sit in a circle, and introduce ourselves. There were 9 of us, and we went around and talked through our little sheets of paper we got, our favorite food, drink. I got laughs with my toasty pb+j commentary. Go me. After that we Got sheets to plan out the first two days of a freshman orientation.  We talked it out,  as a group, and planne dout the first time when we told it was time.  It was our first session, and we worked well together, so i suppose that makes up for not finishing.  Can i Just stop to mention that it that this station had a girl I knew from my freshman year as a watcher, who I've  had various run ins and go out of my way to avoid each other. It is very strange when someone like that is watching you and everytime you look up nodding approvingly and smiling at you....it was eerie.

Session 3- Lose A Cook to Save a Chef, and the First appearance of the North Wind Blows
At this point we moved to Columbia, and split into two groups, representing two different dorms. We then had to go through and pick 3 potential CA's for our hall, and some back ups. All together there needed to be 6 with no repeats, if any overlapped we had to compromise. The groups had one solid ca overlap, and one back up overlap, so we split the difference and finished the game/ test in about 15 minutes. Leaving us with 20 minutes until our next session. So Aaron, a guy from my group had talked about this ice breaker at the first session, The North Wind blows, so we played. It's asort of musical chairs, but without music. A person gets up and says The North Wind Blows for those who had (insert fact about yourself), and everyone who agrees/ has that in common gets up and switches seats, the one without a seat gives the next statement.  It was actually a lot of fun, and I think the AHD/ GHD holding the session were sortof suprised to see us coming up with our own ice breaker and playing. They did not play however. Oh well there loss.

Session 3- Q & A

If I knew someone at any of the other sessions I knew everyone at this one. My CA, former CA, Hall Grad, Hall AHD, and various CA's I know through other people were holding the session. Apparently, pretty much everyone knew each other and vice versa in this room.. Apparently something that's not supposed to happen.  We went through some scenarios or possible incidents and how we would deal with them, and blah blah blah. I talked throughout the hour, but really my mind was on lunch.  Then they told us it was lunch time, and we all cheered.

Session 4- Lunch!! YAY!!!
Our team sat together at a long table, and we got a chance to free talk amongst ourselves. Aaron did most of it, a marketing major from Israel. Mainly about well.. everything and anything He's nice just very talkative and opinionated.  We talked about what to expect a little bit, and about some of the Q & A's. And then we moved on.

Session 5- Find the Zebra and The Water, and the reappearance of The North Wind Blows
I had been told about this before hand. Apparently so had Aaron who said whatever we were doing, it is going to be the orange house!!  We'll he wasn't right, there wasn't even an orange house in the problem.   So they slap down a long piece of paper on the floor, and throw a pack of markers at us (literally), and tell us to sit on the floor. No sooner had we gotten on the floor but they swarmed, it was kind of creepy. All of a sudden there was the sound of chairs and thens someone breathing on the back of your neck and they procariously perched behind us.They passed out clues, that we couldn't show anyone else in the group, we could read them aloud or even write them down, but not show them to the other group members. You remember those little games there were in grade school: Kelly is taller than Jim, Jim is the Third shortest, and so on and so forth. It was that game!! But MoOOORREE.  We had to match up: House Color, Nationality, Pet, Drink, and Ciggarette. 5 of each of those, then we had to figure out who drank the water, and who owned the Zebra.  We had 40 minutes for the exercise, We were helped once. We got the line of houses down to two, and were going to just go through and do both up, and they told us that our first one was right. Once we got that the rest of it really clicked, and we finished early.  However we did not end early enough to stop my legs from falling sleep from the hip down. This was particuarly not good because We had a good 10-15 minutes, so we talked the evaluaters into playing North Wind blows with us. It was hysterical, one of the CA's refused to play properly and kept on trying to trick the other CA's out of their seats. It was hysterical.

Session 6- Plan your skit, act out skit,
  The skit was something that I had known about, and quite frankly was most anxious about getting it over with. When we came in one of the big wigs from Reslife was there, and he asked us how the zebra game went. He was suprised when we told him we got it, even more when he heard that we got it early. Apparently most groups don't make it through at all, let alone early. We had three possible options or bases to make our skit from, we could combine them or whatever we wanted. We chose the 3rd- to do a skit involving the 6 principles..and our team color/name. We made a skit - A day in the Life of Batman the CA, and he went around dealing with the 6 issues- service, respect, inclusion, integrity, caring, and one that I can't remember for  my life.  We planned out our skit, and practiced it twice. I don't think any of us got through it without laughing, and neither did the evaluating staff. Needless to say we were swept away, to our next session.
On a side note, this was another sit on the group for the start session, my legs hadn't recovered from the previous section, now it was really bad.

Session 7- Redesign a dorm of your choice, in which we destroy the chances of any person ever being able to afford BloomU housing fees even in our made up world.
Even if you haven't been to Bloom, just hearing about the campus you realize that Elwell is the Projects of Campus. So it was pretty unanimous when we had to choose a building that we went with that one in particular. We had to map out/write what we wanted and then draw it. We decided that we were going to turn it into LOTR: The Two Towers, and have 2 towers connected by walkways spaced out among the 12..or 15 floors. Holding around 1000 people. It has every amenity short of a flying saucer. Glass exterior elevators, escalators, coffee bar, tennis court on the roof, and if I'm not mistaken, there was a helipad somwhere, and it was alll glass. I was in charge of the dorm rooms. So we had suites with 4-6 people in a suite, 2-3 rooms of two then a common area. We added some various study rooms and common areas. It was a bit ridiculous all in all. But it was fun. At least in our dream Elwell there weren;t urinals in the ladies room. : )

Session 8- We Perform
After that all the teams gathered back in the Elwell lobby to perform their skits and sign up for phase 3, or processing.
So there were 6 teams- Red/Superman, Green/Giant, Yellow?Bumblebee, Pink/fairy, Black/Batman, Purple/The Joker. Most of the Other groups did songs/Dance, like the Jokey Pokey, and one other group dide a American Idol CA spoof. We were the last too go. We barely made it through without laughing, especially in the spots where the other groups were laughing.  It was a lot more fun than I thought it was going to be.

Session 9- Sign Ups.

Afterwards we had to set up two interviews, one for this week, and one for next week, with different members of the Reslife Staff. Which was done relatively quickly, and after that we were free to leave.  I had my first interview this morning, and my second one is next Tuesday afternoon. After I signed up I hung around with some of the AHD's that I know and caught up with them, and then headed back to finish up my roommate free weekend.

The Black/Batman Team

Mark aka Batman Faces the Joker (and no the joker isn't standing on anything, Mark really is that short)

One of my dorm's new CA's and an Arch nemesis's little bro, stopped me to ask when the interviews where. Pretty sure he wasn't supposed to tell me that I did really well in group processing.  Then Good luck with my interviews.

Interview 1-
So I got up SUPER early this morning. like 6:50 in the morning early. Showered got dressed and grabbed breakfast all before my 8 am class. After awards I cam back from class, found the roommate awake.  (personally I think turning the lights on for no reason when I came it helped this. I'd feel bad if she didn't deem it okay to turn them on at 3 in the morning, for absolutely no reason almost every night. So I got dressed- gray  trousers, white  button down, and balck knit vest. pulled my hair into a side bun, and did my makeup. The Roommate deemed me presentable..something along the lines of "Wow you look nice when you dress up."    Lovely.   
So I headed over about 20 minutes early, as soon as i walked out of my dorm I knew the shoes were a mistake. However I don't have any other dress shoes out here, so changing wasn't an option. I made it over to Reslife though, and was told to wait. A few minutes after my "appointed time"  The Interview went pretty well, I think anyway. It wasn't really stressful.  Afterwards I thanked them, and went on my way. I still need to figure out their address on campus for thank you notes. But other than that it's all good.
The Gross Part-
When i got back to the dorm and ripped off my shoes, I apparently had gotten a blister.. or it just skipped blisterdom to bleed. I'm not sure, all I know if that there's blood on my heel, and I've been in Clogs since this morning. So Whatever.

So next Tuesday is my last interview, and then I'm done. I find out on the 24th of February, if I have the job or not.
So Woot woot... hehe

On a completely Different Note- The Office Superbowl Edition-- FRIGGEN AWESOME!!!!!
Seriously the first four minutes alone are amazingly ridiculous and  HI-Larious.


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