Nov 17, 2008 20:25
So I'm not sure whether or not it was a good thing to get into Generation Kill three weeks before finals or not. Within the last 3-4 days when i really got obsessed OCD with it I have decorated my door, picked up and began reading the book (which is really good), found LJ communities, revamped the icon stash, made and sent a generation kill themed card, watched the series 3-4 times. Oh and found a new Fanfic fandom to live in. (and thus we meet the problem.)
I've never had a probelm with slash, there just were never any pairings that i was- "Awesome! Can't wait to get my grubby little hands on that Smut!" Now, this Colbert/Fick stuff is oh so good delicious. Especially when mixed in with that extra special sprinkle of Person interaction. The other bonus of reading the fanfic is that it is helping me identify the guys more easily, even in the book I have an easier time of picking out the guys based on their actions or the groups of people they're hanging out with. Overall it's pretty awesome.
Not to mention it gives me even more reason to talk and think about Alex...he's even on the cover of my copy of Generation Kill.
Oh yeah. We're Screwby.
generation kill,
cpl. person,