Party Weekend leads to WTF.

Nov 02, 2008 23:48

So first off, Happy Belated Halloween.
This was quite a weekend.  Friday night instead of showing the Dark Knight on campus they showed tropic thunder. Apparently WB thought it wasn't enough to take Harry Potter Away, they needed to take Dark Knight dvd release away as well. Well bully for them.  I spent my evening working up  picky_italian for her party. I did a rather stunning job if i do say so myself, and only took a record two hours. :)

Saturday however was my party. Yay! I ended up calling my friend who has having the party to see if i could bring Andrea  with me, just so i would have someone to walk with. (they live down a dark alley between a tri-level and what is a dorm but equals a crack/whore house).  The piece-de-resistance of the night- while waiting for Andrea to come back from the game(it was also homecoming weekend), i got to see a live porno. Woo hoo. Apparently you can see directly into the second floor study lounge of the dorm across from mine, the couple getting it on thought that by turning the lights off they became invisible...not so much... I thought they were about the murder the smart board with all their writhing. By the time Andrea arrived they were in full on mode, and i was in hysterics laughing debting whether or not to try and tailgate into the building to go knock on the door of the lounge and pretend to be a CA.   We didn't. : (    So we had about an hour and a half. to do my Brigid O'Shaunessey hair and makeup as well as recreate the Amy Winehouse gypsy makeup and hair style for Andrea from the night before. It took us a record 45 minutes. And we did look rather smashing if i do say so myself...minus the large run in my stockings..
The toss up of best ingenuity either goes to my falcon (a painted buzzard from A.C. Moores) or the nose piercing we gave Andrea (elmer's glue and a rhinestone i pulled off a shirt).  We were pretty excited about both.

So we headed down to the party, only to realize that we forgot the invitation, and therefore the house number. Needless to say, while we spotted Bella's truck we got lost with no silver volvo's (or more preferably an all terrain jeep) to pick us up. After calling and being harrassed by the drunk, we found it. Only to find that we were the only guests. Apparantly everyone who they had invited except for me (and subsequently Andrea, had bailed). :(  Eh. It was actually really really fun.  It started off akwardly- and with the Obama hour-in the Obama living room, complete with Obama poster with attached costume. But it ended up being really fun. We got there a little after 8 and ended up staying will about 1:30- It was saturday we had to SNL it up!  So we headed back up to the dorms tired, yet needless to say while walking up i ended up being wide awake, and ended up staying awake till 2:30.. i even stayed up and changed all my clocks back at therefore..definitally a long long day.  But very awesome.. 
Sidenote- Next year Andrea has decided to by Amy winehouse, we started looking at costumes. it's going to good. I'm not sure what i'm going to be, i was thinking if we go to another party i could be death and just follow her around... but there's time. : )

Today the parentals came up, which was sweet. I've gone home the last 7-8 weekends b/c of certain affairs and situations, but i've been up here for the last two straight.  So they came up and we went out to lunch, putzed through the salvo. (found two awesome sweaters). Hit up walmart.. it's really bad when you have no purpose in going to walmart, other than it gives you atleast a gauranteed hour  and a half of alone time. (i don't care, i stil enjoy it, there's always something to look at).

So meanwhile while allllll of this is going on, back at my humble hovel the roommate is flipping shit. Not because of me (thank the lord), but b/c of some major police smackdown that went on last night at the on campus CGA sponsored dance. There's video of it flaoting around the web. I'm in theory not supposed to know, b/c she hasn't told me directly, but over 3 hours of screaming phone calls to her mom and i've heard about 4 versions of the story and watched the video. I got the gist of the sitaution. Neither side of the incident was very pretty. But i'm keeping my head down and refusing to get involved.  I'm going home this weekend, so i wouln't have to hear about all the drama next weekend too. Because it's really just a big jumbled --WTF thing

Another Sidenote- trying to get tickets for Batboy the Musical  for Thursday, I hope i can. It is supposed to b hysterical. (half of my theatre class is in the production). So hopefully i can get a ticket. If not i'm going to be pissed.   Because I'm probably going to need the pickup, I schedule Weds, and half my classes are already gone. bastards.

Now  i seriously need to go to bed.....seriously sleep deprivation weekend...

I also got my replacement dvd player today. One word..awesome.

playing house, drama, party, holiday

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